The Mourning After - Chapter 1 (The Mourning)

It was on the border of the wolven controlled lands and was littered with numerous small routes which snaked their way up to the main road.

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Moon Is Mean #1

They stared at each other for numerous, long moments until the braixen's expression changed; her eyes narrowing and the lips of her muzzle pulling back to a sharp toothed sneer.

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Donate Celebrate

numerous people seem to be heading the same way, all of them wearing brightly colored shirts with "donate, celebrate!" written in large letters on the back.


Dead End

The platinum fox was busy fidgeting with numerous buttons and touchscreens that he didn't even pretend to understand. "i brought you dinner like you asked," he said, holding up the takeout bag. she didn't even glance over.

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Rogue Wind - The Thieves

A continent which was filled with rivers, steep mountains, numerous species of foxes and war torn countries soon to face the tides of battle.

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The Draconian - Prolouge

Shao's body lay motionless and bleeding from the numerous cuts sustained from my father's claw strikes while father slowly walked over to recieve his award for winning, stumbling due to the loss of blood from cuts obtained from the numerous bladed weapons

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Sevlow's Coup D'etat: Segment of my book "Planes"

They saw numerous cups at the side of each man, and instantly knew they were drunk. several stared at them in shock and their drunkenness seemed to evaporate into thin air.

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“Ghost Pokémon and Curiosity” - A Pokémon Go! Creepypasta

I caught numerous pokémon and conquered several gyms during my first day.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 5

I also noticed that there were numerous large areas of the garden that had nothing growing in them.

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It's All In The Eyes

Scratches dug deeply in the wood floor, too numerous for just a single person. he played the flashlight over the walls, running the beam over the disarray of all of the photo frames hanging on the wall.

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the war of the new world

Mentablood had numerous areas of the canopy to look out from so that he could keep watch for approaching enemies. he happens to be very intent on one this morning.

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Notes on Surksàasnian

Surksàasnian numerical system the surk numbering system is a base-10 system like our own.

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