Superiority Chapter 6
Superiority Chapter 6 "Almost to the border," said Jeff, the Rebellion member driving Louis into Canada. With a groan, Louis pulled his chair back from it's reclined position. "How long till we get there?" replied Louis, still...
Superiority Chapter 7
"they've nearly tripled their amount of vehicles, and now they're running training exercises with jets." replied bill. "they're getting closer to attacking." ..... david, and jefferson were huddled around their campfire.
Superiority Chapter 1
Superiority Chapter 1 Three of them. One of them has radiation sickness, he won't last long, thought David, as he loaded two sedation darts. He looked down the scope and brought them into a clearer view. One had pre war...
Superiority Chapter 5
"what about installations near the other bases? have there been any reports so far?" asked the emperor, worried about what this could mean when the canadians declared war. "none yet, your majesty," replied the general.
Superiority Chapter 4
David hadn't moved his hand to a different position on his model five in nearly an hour. the rest of it was just so cold. his thermometer read 251.6 k. too cold. right now he'd be happy if he could just move his legs better.
Superiority Chapter 3
Alarms blaring, lights flashing, vision nearly lost in a dense spray of water. seven figures exited the lobby. perfect. there were people screaming everywhere, trying to find the source of the fire, or a way out.
The Furre Archive Project - Part 2: Fragments
_"These people have a tale to tell, and by God, I'm going to tell it."_ Of course, that was the last we ever heard of Him. It seems that there's some strange rule in life, that whenever anyone begins to say anything big and dramatic...
USS Virginia (SSN-774)
It took nearly 13 years for the first of the convert nuclear attack subs, a virgina class attack sub. but the success was short lived, as weaponry for it had not caught up.
14 - The Huntress
Sarill grinned, then crawled down the wall to stand near her doppelganger.
pyromancer series ch2
Hay guys I'm back and I've made corrections t my other stores so sorry if you had read the first one. Any way please be 18 before reading this. May be yaoi in some chapter's yah so let's begin. (Normal pov) (What the heck is Regii thinking I...
Shrika: the Hunt Begins
Describing her encounter with the assassins took up the rest of the hour she had allotted for talking with him, but before she left, he smiled and handed her a number of papers, and a map "near as we can tell, this is his chateu' , hon...
Part Eight - Breaking the Cycle
Well, here is the last story chapter of The Choices of Fate. I know last time I sad that there were two more, but I while writing this chapter, I realized how short what I had planned was, and so I merged the last two chapters together. As it stands,...