[SFW] Squirrelly Days #010 - Kylola

Kion: i-i seem to have lost my mushrooms... ``` turning around, kylola looked at kion to see that all the mushrooms in his basket were indeed gone. ``` kylola: \*deep sigh\* don't worry about it, just collect a few more, but don't overfill the

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Don't touch the goombas bowser

Kamek waved his wand and produced a mushroom, which the king quickly grabbed and devoured. as the mushroom took effect on bowser, the magikoopa marveled at his spell's work. the king didn't grow much, but enough to be very noticeable.


The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 6: Hideout

They came behind mushrooms what separated them from small opening where two bodies still lied. cynder looked over bodies from behind mushrooms and her eyes widened "orcs!" she whispered. "you seen them before?" "yes.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 2: Fall from heavens

Cynder noticed long, corridor looking mushroom -formation which looked the best place to come down. she started to lean towards mushroom corridor and prepared for rough landing. "you're going in too fast! i'm off!"

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 9

A small wooden bowl, filled to the brim with some very special mushrooms she had gathered in the woods, mushrooms that would let her speak to the cora, her god.

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Breaking Point: Part One: Joining Chapter One

One lesson did get drilled into his head, was that bowser was a menace to the mushroom kingdom and that freak or not (this word wasn't actually used, he just filled in the blanks) he had to overthrow the menace to the mushroom kingdom.


The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 4: Bon Appetit

He stalk behind small mushroom to see better what creature could be there, hoping that it would be something they could eat. he peek over mushroom and saw brown hairy creature scrabble ground and sniffing small holes it has dug. "is that a wild boar?

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Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 12

He asked, then quickly crawled to another mushroom cap. "haven't seen you like this in a while...gotcha!!!" she leapt up onto the mushroom, but looked around in confusion when he wasn't there. "dammit! you're too good at this game!"

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Steering One's Future CH1

It was now sitting on her bag of mushrooms and seemed to be pressing its mandibles against the healing herbs she collected earlier.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 9: We must help him!

Spyro flew just above ground dodging upcoming mushroom's stems and breathe fire upon first orc he catched up. cynder took herself above mushrooms and went after third orc.

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What Is To Belong

I was in the center of a ring of mushrooms, mushrooms that are clearly glowing. the forest was thick with them. i didn't know how deep i was, it must have been very, since i didn't see any path that might have lead back.

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Leafblade - Chapter 1

The coyote's eyes stopped on a small patch of mushrooms and as an excuse to not talk about what just transpired, he knelt down to sniff the mushrooms. his nose was assaulted immediately by a repugnant odor.

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