the wet fox

It was evening, a light shower had passed though the forset it was very wet and slippy. Dean was walking home from college, he is a fox about 20-23 he was about 5'11 or there abouse he had just finshed a three year course on hair dressing of...

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the story of the SKULLS green SKULLS story

Save the whales! Turn off your not in use items! Oh hello just saying to the world save it! I wasn't all ways green you know? No before this I was a non-green guy, I was a business man and I drove a very big car a 4X4 it was big but I thought it was...

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david's college days part thirty

long ago David had brought a computer desk and after a few returns for broken bits or missing bits he got it up, but all it did was sit in the corner getting bits that go in the caravan like the Carboot stuff or bit of old paper and other things, the...

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david's collage days part seventen

Upon coming home from holiday David and Sarah now had a pet horse, a young shire horse by the name of horse and at £50 squid no questions asked it was there's and from a distance it looked healthy. After the long ride home the horse was eating...

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david's collage days part twelve

It was a nice sunny day and David and Sarah diced to go to do a Carboot sale. Seeing as David and Sarah had found a whole load of stuff from the skips it was time to unload as the saying goes, so on that nice day David looked thought a local...

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david's collage days part eleven

Upon finding the guitar David now had to look for a bass guitar and a drummer he knew two already. First David went to mike who played bass, David then took a few lesions with mike and he became a pro, then mike phoned up Allen who played drums...

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kiss of the dragon part 2

After a few mouths of nothing David said this to the press, the person doing this was Ron the rat who died at his own home testing the antidote, if he had succeed he would have sold it to us at a large price but he killed him self in the end testing...

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david's college days part twenty two

It was now the New Year, David and Sarah had both put on a few pounds but David didn't really care what size he was seeing as the fat had saved his life (see chapter eighteen) but Sarah did and cared a lot. David was now getting a bit lazy if...

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kiss of the dragon part 1

It was a dark night. Jamie was walking home from school after a long day of school. Jamie was a little rabbit no more then 9, he had a lot of catching up to do so he's teacher had given him all the work he had missed to finish by the end of the mouth,...

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david's collage days part twenty one

"Tis the season to be jolly tra la, la, la" said David as he decorated the house in Christmas time and boy did it look good he had put tinsel up and the fairy lights for indoors now it was time for outdoors ones. David had brought some outdoor...

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the cute and rare eevee pt4

As night time came, the three pokemon looked at the setting sun, the door then went, they looked and saw nothing in the net, he'd not captured growlithe, they all smiled. The evil man then walked over to an area of the warehouse, he then opened a...

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the cute and rare eevee pt3

The evil guy walked towards the old warehouse where he once worked, it was all bordered up and had police tape all over it, as he walked he sort of looked like Santa, but this was a Santa that would steal your Pokémon toys not give them away and would...

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