Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 80

Yelling would only be met with silence. pleading would only be met with silence. even if she laid her heart bare yet again to tell her that she loved her, it would only be met with silence. _i'm sorry, mother...

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Gasping for air(part 1)

One day i had met someone i wish i had never met he was always there but i guess i have avoided him for all this time. who can blame me i never really had a fancy for a man who never cared enough.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 81

Yelling would only be met with silence. pleading would only be met with silence. even if she laid her heart bare yet again to tell her that she loved her, it would only be met with silence. _i'm sorry, mother...

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Letters of Einstein & Rosen: Prolog

A short list of some of the species i have met. 1. mythological species; westly5 is apparently a true sanguinarian, and i have even met orthodox centaurs; a highly intelligent stallion by the name of kefan8 who would made chiron proud. 1.

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For Love Eternal

For love eternal we met in the gardens, of that castle so great with justice our hearts were afire we vowed to uphold the chivalrous code my mind by your words was inspired you spoke of the needs of the poor and the lost to service our

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The mage looks out across the land he governs amused by the dragon. " how long has it been sense we first met?"

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Chapter One

Even as the lines met, even as claw met claw and life met end did the samoyed wedge decimate the enemy's rear.

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Cell A114 (Chapter 3)

Moran didn't know the guy to be gay until he met me" "you're talking of rinor?!" greg asked startled. "yep, i'd expect you met him" tee said simply "i know!

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A Pit Bull Love Story (Part 4) A look into Victor's life as a gamer

And i have made three wonderful friends that i've met through my life as a gamer. i met ryan first, he's a 15 year old panther in utah i met about a year ago.

You Could Be Happy

They had met over four years ago, two years before raine had met james. both had been 20 at the time. they met in a small club on the other side of they city. brandyn had been a bartender there.

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Moving On. (Chapter 1)

A little stroll in the same park he met garry(the mate) all those years ago. damien sat on the bench. which, coincidentally, was the exact same bench he sat on back then. it all seemed like a dream, to be back here, where he met his long lost love.

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