Grentail Manor Chapter 4

As they walked, susila sipped his tea, which was perfectly balanced, and once again took note of the theme of the manor.

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 8: Drowned

Axton manor, december 2014. seven months before the end of everything. kyran is numb and drowning.


A Bronze Rising: Out with the Old

There were two chests of wealth which came at last from the manor.

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Dark Roads and High Winds

One last, long glance back, and he slowly made his way out of the sheltered glen, once again towards the manor.

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Leafblade - Chapter 4

Tarin stopped just in sight of the manor, looking back. he was really leaving. this was it, his goodbye. he took in the manor, and rayac, and wondered if he really would be returning. this was the freedom rayac had always been promising.

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The Wolf and the Doe - One

The manor wasn't particularly large, an inheritance from her great grandmother if she recalled correctly. there was room enough for a small stable, holding two pleasure horses and six carriage horses.

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Dr. Glowdance's Personal Research Notes

Glowdane's personal research notes march 3, 1943 with the bridge complete finishing construction on the manor was much simpler. consider i have made no attempt to hide my wealth no one should be suspicious of the manor's size.

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The Bet

Anyone who tries sleeping in the manor is going to get their own throat slit, in their sleep and mancroft will eat their heart."

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Indigo Night- Chapter 10: Resurrection

Aarden admits as he too begins to see the manor materialize. kyran scoffs and walks calmly through the flames.


Leafblade - Chapter 2

His majesty felt it necessary to inform tarin of the road conditions between alshaer and the aunair manor.

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TMF-Ep32-Lionheart manor-

The team with the adoptive lionhearts had enjoyed the manor, with the pool, the basketball court and the spa area in the basement r & r area.

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