The Avalon Agency: a propaganda poster

Therefore after the great war and the spanish flu pandemic, when mankind was considered at its weakest, the magical beings showed up once again to reclaim their place in the world.

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Kofuku: A World Reborn Chapter One: New beginning

The beastmen have reclaimed the world that mankind destroyed. man led himself to extinction, but can the beasts learn from the failures of man?

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Starborne: New Beginnings - Swan Song

A stark contrast to what i saw: the death of earth's last survivors - all the minds the phoenix initiative had preserved for the journey to our new home in the hope of giving mankind a second chance: gone... i have seen mankind die a second time...

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"mankind's always created science fiction... brain surgery, microprocessors, rockets, gunpowder... it's the science fiction that inspires us. someday we'll have lightsabers too, i'm sure of it."

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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 165

His fight was to awaken your heart to the understanding and generosity of mankind can show which you've sorely missed in your time in this world, and to awaken mankind itself to these things once more.

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I hear the angels calling my name promises of health and prosperity they tell lies, lies, lies, that is all they preach even the ruler of this realm must lie the force of mankind has even influenced the taintless god has been destroyed by his own

Receding Memories

Morals swept out to sea, swaying, in a basket, they sleep the rain of disgrace will not stop even love is destroyed by the heartless mankind the obligations given to me as i was born surely they are the reason for my weakness it's the color of tears

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Vesrynn

#7 of fluffybutt prose poems my first dutch angel dragon as little known the act of universe-hopping is to mankind, angel dragons have made unfathomable leaps, inspiring some of them to consider it a duty.

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Machine Of Man

Surt, if not go read some norse mythology :p once so green and blue, now cast and clad in grey pillars of wonder one by one, are all cast away flowing streams once so clean restored to you it would not seem cauldrons of fire, a forest void of trees mankind


The Deep Roads

Above the greatest cities of mankind, my eyes pierce the depths to stop signs.

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Saw you nil, hear you naught, but mankind panicked and racing out

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What We've Written

So many wounds and scars that art has cured, but still mankind seeks out another fight. the voice of art still struggles to be heard.
