Chasing the Sun - Chapter 24: Out the Ashenstones

He was sure none of them was red wolf and he was not comfortable having his mafia organisation scrutinising them.

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The runner

Three six mafia. he yelled back at the man that was chaseing him "don't hurt me!!" the wolf was stunned....this was his nephew the little kitten that was so playful...the one he saw grow up so fast was now running from him yelling not to hurt him?

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Disease, Chapter 1

"i doubt it, he _left_ the russian mob, you can't just _leave_ the mafia. they have him death marked, and a dead man can't get much leverage, can he?" the bear said, smugly.

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Sand and Blood, Part 1

Sandstorm was one of the biggest mafia organizations in the badlands, a hugely wealthy and equally deadly gang that was centered mainly in the large city of andromeda.

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2:13 A Vixen's Ultimatum

Supposedly their goal is to break up mafias and shit, but they're going after the underground. epically failing, i might add." alias came back into the living room, glass of scotch in one paw, and its bottle in the other. "drink?" he offered.

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Das ende eines lebens.

Eddie stieg in die schutzgeld erpressung ein bereich in dem die italienische mafia ihr monopol hatte. eddie hatte keinen respekt vor den italienern genau so wenig wie vor den asiaten, kolumbianern oder sonst wem.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 21: Beating the Path

Sure, he evaded the mafia group and sometimes injured the members, but he never did anything too harmful. or so he thought.

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And then there was Franclin

Which worked out quite well considering that the red fox who had been hurting others against their will was attracting the attention of a mafia family in the city and was scheduled for assassination after attempting to assault one of the younger members of

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1:4 Loyalties

Alias examined the photos of a meeting he had with a mid level capo from the lambda mafia. one of which showed the black fox accepting an envelope of cash. alias closed the folder and slung it back to hets, hitting his chest and sliding to his lap.

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After Life

So no prior contact with any mafia or other gangs? - no sir. i always try to be extremely careful with who i associate myself with. ben scribbled a few more lines in his notepad and put it back to the pocket.

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August 5: Apples, Mixers, and Photos

Just add black coats and hats along with a film noir atmosphere and we would have ourselves a shady mafia trade scene. "don't you think it's time to get a new one?" kounosuke said. "i don't think so," shin-kun said, smiling.


Temptation 07 - Scene of the Crime

While there were a few fairly well-known mafia families in town, most of them stayed to the ritzier parts of town.

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