Entropy Express (part 1)

"but while his experiments violated the natural rights of so many lycanthropes, his work made many new races. we vern, the lupin and the reynard all have common origins on his operating table.

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A Dezolaat History

Dwarves held fast in their halls of stone as all the world's lycanthropes became locked in their hybrid forms.

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Nightmane-Chapter 3

I sat there for a minute debating what I was going to do. I pulled my shirt on deciding to see where I was. So I strode through the doorway leading out the bedroom and walked down the hallway. I tan my hands through my long black hair and looked for...


Taming the Werewolf - 8

Being strapped to a chair in a cold basement at home three times a week for hours at a time while the lycanthropic filth was being filtered out of her blood was boring enough.


Taming the Werewolf - 7

They used to go to the state fair at this time every year, when they were younger and looking for some cheap entertainment to fill their evenings. There was something romantic and nostalgic to eating fried food and quasi-square dancing, so Jacob...


E-mails from the hound-master

And unregistered, consensual lycanthropication with the intent of murder shouldn't have been on your list. the hunters have been sent. there is a high chance that the deed will be done even before i'm finished with the e-mail.

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The Homecoming of Daniel Usherswell

Now of course, opinions differ, in minnehacqua county, on who it was was visited upon them in reunion one cold-front haunted day in june, while yet the moon was waxing: some say they were a biker gang, and nothing more, whom rumor inflated has to lycanthropic

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Shadows Meant To Fade

Old magics that had long laid forgotten ran rampant, great storms scoured the land, and the lot in life of the lycanthropes changed. they were forcibly pulled a half-step away from their humanity, and trapped there.

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Lycanthropy Liquids

Potion shops have always been a useful location in a small town like this, as magically inclined folks are in need of new materials, as well as the usual adventurer coming by to stock up for a battle. However, when the new "Lycanthropy Liquids" shop...

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The Sweet Tooth

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is a little short story in the spirit of the season. The Sweet Tooth By William W. Kelso I paused and carefully sniffed the air, my ears flicking towards the slightest of sounds. My sensitive nose quivered...

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Lykos Redemption Ch. 3

**Lykos Redemption** Ch. 3: Lýkos katá Lykánthropos Coulter DarkClaw Melaeneus and Nyctimus walked down the _drómo_ to the main gate in silence. Both Nyc and Mel deep in thought, they walked abreast. It was nice for Melaeneus to be able to not have...

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Lykos Redemption Ch. 2

**Lykos Redemption** Ch. 2: Arcadia Coulter DarkClaw Melaeneus and Nyctimus--the eldest and the youngest of the sons of Lycaon--traveled into the city. Their eyes wandered, taking in the sights and sounds of so beautiful a city. The streets were...

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