
Conceive of buying and they may bring joy and they may bring comfort they may bring smiles and laughter they may be genuine in there moment but in the end things will not bring you happiness because the blind man on his death bed does not lament his lack


Damned Poet

And a blind world this one really is, filled with ones who lack a spine, what a sad and tragic story tis, they know to follow a "divined" design.

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Sigarr F. Seggr: Overdrive User

Ranging from only a mild lack of self-confidence to near total lack of self-worth. certain things can rapidly bring up long pent up rage, such as calling him a runt or, ironically considering they've bullied him most of his life, insulting his family.

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The Wolf That Danced

His style was flawed, lacking finesse, lacking that smooth sleekness of other furs, but met with unequalled enthusiasm. each swish of his tail under the rainbow light sent tantalising wisps of excitement through the avian's mind.

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The Second Promise: Chapter 3, The Living Comet

The frustration kyrik felt at the lack of finding bled with the lingering anger about being shoved to the side. his cheeks puffed again at the thought.

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Perhaps it was the lack of something that was keeping her trapped here rather than some unwanted presence. the lack of oxygen. the lack of air. the lack of motivation.

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File #3 - "Echoes"

He knew the basics but lacked the specialisation of somebody that had devoted their life to scientific pursuits. "meaning what?" he asked, craning his head behind him to look at his science officer.

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The Lord of the Manor - Glossary of Characters and Places

A small garrison of knights and men at arms keep the peace and protect the villa, but it is otherwise lacking defenses.

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Might Be Retiring From TOTGM For A While

I suppose the general lack of feedback and/or community reactions toward the series.

Acyra Prelude

Apparently, the people funding this... operation, have shown lack of faith in our research. they question our findings or lack there of and have begun threatening to withdraw thier finacial aid.



Artist forever hidden from sight a canvas never finished, a dream so lost in thought a story always changing, never having a single plot the animal waiting for a chance to truly disappear whether for reasons unknown, in a way, running only for a lack


Asch'an (Part Two)

He was forced to do things manually, for the lack of power, relying on brute strength to force his way to his destination. they couldn't have a lack of power, though. they couldn't!

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