How I Meet Kara {Chapter 1}

It was carefully lifted by kara with her skilful fingers. she tapped a few portions of my phone here and there. "stay silent while i do this okay."

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PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 5

kara was grateful for adrian's presence. he helped her get through these difficult times. kara was the third president of the andaran federation since its formation 10 years ago, and the first female to hold the office.

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PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 5

kara was grateful for adrian's presence. he helped her get through these difficult times. kara was the third president of the andaran federation since its formation ten years ago, and the first female to hold the office.

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Heritage of Ash: Chapter 5, Fading Light

Cold sweat ran down kara's fur, her heart racing as she moved as faster than she ever had thought possible.

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Drako's wish, A dragons tale

I laid kara on one and marina on the other. i then just clasped on the floor. falling asleep quicker then i could feel the pain. the dream i had was creepy.

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Shiny Cookie

#2 of latex kara was just doing her normal shopping, tired after the week and hoping to just try and get the laundry list of things out of the way. she was in the snack isle when a box of cookies caught her eye. "velvet desires", it read on the box.

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The Story so Far

At the point rift was to propose, he was knocked unconscious by a squad of apes, who then brutally murdered kara.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 31 - Basikal

Conrad tilted his head as kara bustled over to the sink and withdrew a small wooden box, hidden inside of a bucket. hastily brushing off a few stray cobwebs, kara handed the box to her husband. conrad's eyes widened. "kara, is this..." "open it."

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1- Canidate

Hard on me wasn't even close to describe how kara's death has been." the guardians hung their heads, guilt filling their hearts.

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Wolfie Steel: Private Eye, Part 2

kara la tain. i log into a programme that hopefully will allow me to find out where ms.

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Chapter 4 (Riley)

Ms kara closes the door and begins to speak. "well, it's good to see you all." i'll give you the rundown of the first day speech. her real name is georgette klarissa but she prefers ms kara. she's from a small town in alabama then even i don't know.

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3- Painful Memories

"is that what kara would've wanted?" the orange drake shook his head. "she wouldn't. but at the time, it's what i wanted. the only reason i'm still alive is because cynder and mera were there.

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