Jeremy 093; Its Not The Slope Its The Lack Of Friction

jeremy paused and glanced to gakota. he could guess the feline was thinking the same as he was. looking back to the otter jeremy could see he was convinced.


Jeremy 012; Today's Forgotten Hero

"thanks jeremy." jeremy grasped the thick forearm in the gesture of equals. the three of them left together, jeremy and terrance listening to zane as he explained his schedule for the week.


Jeremy 088; Many Miles Away

jeremy had sensed the same dichotomy from every lemur he'd met thus far. to jeremy it was almost as if he were talking with someone wearing a mask. his escort's reaction was clear that he was highly unsettled being next to jeremy.


Jeremy 044; By Way Of Explanation

jeremy understood alex was making a distinction. jeremy was tempted to ask more but refrained. from the expression alex had on his face he felt doing so would lower his mentor's impression of him.


A Brother's Love Ch. 01

jeremy pulled out a chair from the kitchen table and sat down. "how was detention today?" jeremy asked as was their friday ritual.

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Jeremy 101; Making Arrangements

He added as he stepped back to let jeremy inside. jeremy entered and watched as the rabbit closed and locked the door. once the male was facing him again jeremy held out his paw "jeremy dawn, pleased to meet you, sir."


Jeremy 024; On The Fly

Sure he was overreaching jeremy barely looked at the apartment as they walked in, at first. jeremy perked up at the sight of the two bedrooms being on opposite sides of the apartment.


Jeremy 022; Moves With A Slide And Rhythm

jeremy stepped over to the bike. jeremy looked it over. it was huge for a motorcycle, half again as large as his father's. sitting next to it jeremy's bike looked like a monster.


Jeremy 015; A Cause For Concern

Their parents were happy for all of twenty seconds, until he revealed it was at the same gym jeremy worked. eric had also taken a position as a trainee in the same program jeremy had. while he argued with his father jeremy reassessed his brother.


Tell It To The Crows

On the eve of celebration day jeremy was full of anticipation unlike any time he could remember. that night jeremy opened patomes for the first time in weeks and checked his own stats.


Jeremy 084; The Myth Of Closure

jeremy said letting his feelings into his voice. "for what its worth, mister alversten is to get almost the full rewards." frick said. jeremy looked at him. "what rewards?"


Jeremy 028; Slippery People

jeremy met his stare waiting for the cat to speak. "sorry." jeremy sighed. "don't apologize to me, i made it out alive." allen looked back at his meal. "i take that back, sorry." jeremy said.
