Chronicles of B-man-Jack Oggstrose Arc Part 1-4

Two quick snap kicks collided with the demon, the first was to knock away the demons blocking arm the second hit the side of the demons face causing it to spin.

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Oggstrosse Part 4 - Final Confrontation?

, the arch demon still had plenty of give.

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Across the Rift 9

Jonesy knew that the four rooms were the entrance he had just came through, forana's quarters, the demon's workshop, and the demon's quarters. in the center of the room on a slightly raised dais, was the demon himself.

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SHIFT 002: The Devil's In The Details

It turns out dragons are already pretty demonic looking. his scales did get darker and he grew a few more spines. that was about it. "welcome to the demon army of tartarus." the demon smiled as the changes finished.

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chapter 25

Eshdar never saw a demon dog looked more like a dog than a demon, and somehow ifrit's aura caused him to be scared, and of course it also rubbed on eshdar a bit. when in fights, ifrit was very skilled and dangerous.

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Life of Honor

Eventually, one of the other demons stepped forward, his eyes glinting in annoyance. red skinned as the rest and winged with leathery, cracked limbs, he was almost more imp than proper demon.

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Another Day

Steel knew that angels and demons were of one realm, and definitely not at war. demons were the ground troops. angels were the supporters. he had to act fast, else the angels would reverse much of the damage done to the demon.

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Demonic Possession

The demon laughed manically as it sprang from the wall and into rusty, but the demon didn't know that this was what rusty wanted.


Pelten's Journal: Of Sources and Demons

~entry two: what makes a demon? the day, rather, the night is monday and i cannot get something out of my mind. what makes a demon?

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Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 20 Part 2

The wyvern saw ifrit, then said, "(ifrit! you're alive!)" "(uh...wait, do i know you?)"

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Wolves' Legacy: Chapter 2

"(uh...maybe she's talking about hunting)," thought ifrit. "so...that's the english? hunt?" "yes. can i take my leave, ifrit?" "oh, sure, sure." "i'll be back soon." while lilac was gone, ifrit stumbled upon some books.

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