Book One of Rabbits Part 1 of 29 "The Fingerprint Of Nature's Breath?"

The wildebeest stares toward the horizon while whispering to himself in his strange dialect of guttural sounds and nasal snorts. a bent finger points toward the southeast horizon, guiding a dozen hooded, single-pane goggles to bear witness.

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Your Laughter

I looked back at the horizon, but said nothing else.

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Floundering Away: Jumper

But silence answered her instead and growing frustrated, she turned around and sat in the grass in her butt while looking to the horizon. ajiro turned to virkaol and said nothing.

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No Frills: Keys the Kenku

Gates used this to her advantage to teach keys the values of the horizon angels by demonstration.

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Venturing: Of Fore

Very too quiet indeed as i grabbed my pistol and growled; narrowed my eyes and kept staring out to the horizon. "alright ling, you are authorized to move. you know the drill." "precisely."

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Treter: Hozord Wolves

Eyes outward to the horizon with the peace hovering over our heads. exhaling a sigh, i closed my eyes. allowing a soft smile to drift upon my lips before opening up my eyes again and shift back to the horizon.

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Venturing: Upmorning

Yang asked kyro and natty; both of which had nodded in reply as i heard the dragoness gave an exhale and turned around, facing the horizon again before ordering. "alright. guess we walk on one footing. straight to the horizon, no one going on their own."

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Invane: Misaim Fire

I screamed and started horizoki while he gripped against the edges of the spoon and stared out onto the horizon.

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Chapter 1: Together Beyond the World

The black hole was hungry, and the event horizon was the mouth. but the event horizon wasn't the black hole, it was just the outer shell. the mouth surrounding the body. you can't see the black hole because of the event horizon.

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Vapor Trails

These clouds stretched from horizon to horizon, bridging the east with the west, memories of mechanical flight written on the winds.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 17

After the flash, redding glanced back at the horizon only to see a massive shockwave barreling over the hills. next thing he knew, a powerful force threw him back and everything went dark.

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Uninvited - Part 2: Eavesdropping

"horizon, verify." "a-affirmative. will advise in 30 decads and maintain course and speed." "thank you, horizon. paladin out." "only 3 days to learn an alien language." she thought to herself, scoffing at the idea.

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