The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:26
Dawn reeled back again, placing all her force into another blow, screaming as her hoof came crashing down. the wall caved under her hoof, allowing it to form a perfectly sized groove for it to fit in.
Clown Mare 3-2
She used both hooves in the water and splashed to her face when she felt that warm water across her face. rane used her left hoof and pulled the drain from the tub while the water made a sound in the pipeline.
MLP Nightmare in Fillydelphia
Hurriedly she rushed to get off of the princess and help her get back on all four hooves. "i am so, so sorry princess luna. i don't know what i was thinking.
Transcend - Part 1
Scowling, chrysalis stomped her hoof hard against the dirt floor, "you admitted your intentions!" "wot?" evergreen asked, rolling to his hooves and advancing on her.
She screamed, raising a hoof to strike him again.
Transcend - Part 2
She knew what it was; it was a spring-loaded hoof pen. the idea was that the metal brace fitted over a hoof.
Rainbow Dash Vs Eight Star
She landed on the ground and pressed her hoof forward through the dirt, beating at the ground with her other fore-hoof. "it's not your game, so my rules **rule**! you better be ready!"
Clown Mare 3-3
Copper walked toward the bed and used her right hoof. rane was looking at copper and used her right hoof to touch copper's right hoof. * * * the door opened, rane and prince blue dream bowed at the guest. "welcome to the mooncrest."
Clown Mare 2
Chef tenderheart used the pan and held it near the stove with her left hoof, put some spices with her right hoof. she then put the spices' utensil down and flipped the eggs.
You Told Me
My hooves carried me there unbidden. left hoof, right hoof, left hoof, right hoof, left hoof, right hoof. again and again and again. i hated repetition like that. i felt as if i was a passenger in my own body. perhaps a parasite?
The Mysterious Mare
The crowd cheered, clapping their hooves together in adulation for one of their saviors. twilight gave a half-bow in gratitude.
Pickpear and Eight Star - SFW Version
Approaching it, she put a hoof on the trunk as she got up on her hind legs, and with a stretch, she pressed against a large knot above her head. suddenly, a thumping noise erupted from the tree, and she fell back down onto all four hooves.