pet dragon PT2

As i exited out of the shed i looked at the map and followed until i got near the dragon i then started to sweep, "holt how goes there!?"

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Take a Dip

As such, the majority of the enclosure was made up of grassy hills, and a few small artificially holts. the creatures continued to wrap around my ankles, some of them standing up and grabbing at my legs.

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Pact Chapter 2: Bar Fight Part 2

"i'll relax more once we figure out how to fix our money situation and get to hedge holt." "ugh, you'll never get it." mortimer threw his arms up.

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Ermittlung auf 8 Pfoten - Eigenwillige Ermittlerin (1)

Er holte eine mettwurst aus der brotbüchse und hielt sie dem hund hin. „du tust mir nichts und ich tu' dir nichts." zwar bewegten sich die tiefschwarzen nasenflügel des hundes etwas, aber er schien dennoch nicht unbedingt interessiert an dem fleisch.

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Invane: Heyday Missing

Ran from the mystery that the two wolves had induce against those inhabitants inside that holte hut. we never knew what had happened to those wolves. i guess we had not see them again for the next hour or so. regardless, we just kept running.

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Die Katze

Zuhause angekommen holte ich wie jeden tag meine post aus dem briefkasten, seufzte über die rechnungen und stiefelte in die 2. etage. kaum also ich die wohnung öffnete bemautzten mich fröhlich meine drei katzen.

All's fair... Ch. 2

Fell straight on his arse, and then i did the harold holt... i reckon they're still after me, but soon after that i quite literally ran into you.

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Wasserscheu [GER]

Er holte sich noch einen kakao an dem stand in der nähe und setzte sich auf die stufen, die zur promenade herunter führten. das getränk wärmte seine pfoten, doch ihm war trotzdem ein wenig kalt.

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Still Rivers - Under the Surface Chapter 1

They think it's a wonder that you ever managed to even build your own holt. i'm not sure exactly who, because i just hear rumblings. although, i can't say i disagree with them. can you?" "of course i can. look, see, i did it.

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Uncovered - Under the Surface Chapter 4

They had a beauty, a solid symmetry that was lacking in nature, and in wood and mud holts. he noticed one of the four wings ended at the rock wall, culminating in a metal structure that led up and into the roof of the cave.

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Pact: Prologue part 2

She had traveled all across the nation of haven and hedge holt, and seen more things than most. she had even experienced the might of a mystic from the immortal plane! but she isn't here, so you gotta figure it out yourself.

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The Badger and the Rose

Young orval led the two weary travelers to his holt where they rested for the night.
