The Chaos begins

Then, when i became helios and talked to you, i finally realized that you were the only one that could put the shards back together. you're like me. you always make sure i am happy, safe and always know you love me. that is true love in my eyes."


Chapter X: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, Part Two

Matthew said as he walked through the halls of the added prime helios station back towards the red tinted prison section and then towards the airlock.

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Black Magic - Chapter Nine: To A Safer Place

In the end, i wanted to see to it that zeke, in some small way, had a hand in finishing this fight; i wanted for him to somehow be there himself so that he could watch as helios alberio lacroix died for the second time in over five hundred years.

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Ileum collision - Infidelity and Chicanery: Fungal ambrosia and the hero's journey

As she flew, helios and luna her witnesses, the dragon rocketed back up at her. his wings were thunder. his strike was lightning. his entire strength was poured into tieferet. her muscles liquefied around the fist, a cast of molten flesh.

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A Grand Day Out

As helios urged his steeds onwards through the sky, his eyes fell upon a sleepy neighbourhood in the town's suburbs.

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Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Out of the Dark

helios and ra, my two hearts, if you like. the largest fusion reactors ever built by man, they are the reason our millennia-long voyage to a new world became reality in the first place.

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Chapter VIII: A Song of Fire and More Fire, Part Two

And that is the star helios, one of the closest to us and who knows maybe it has life." king piecewise the xxv said to his prince as they looked up to the sky and he traced out the constellations in the sky.

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Love Me As Though There Were No Tomorrow (Chapter 4)

You ask incredulously \>this vehicle is would be the next best thing to a tank, except for explosive turrets it had heavy machine guns and it was much much faster \>"it's based on tech found on a computer terminal in helios one, stuff we haven't been able

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Chapter IX: Musings of a Fused Riftwalker, Part One

That was strange he was on a system based around tau ceti, he normally stayed around helios but now it seemed he was going somewhere different.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 10

Also, i was totally going to delete that dirty joke at the end, but a certain furry by the name of helios phi asked me to keep it in. xd if you enjoy my story, please help keep my face un-mauled by irritable ostriches by dropping me a donation.

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome

Adjoining propulsion systems are magnified, a bright mix of yellow and red colors indicating temperature, radiation and magnetic field strenghts clustered around what is easily identified as ra if compared to the much less bright color palette of its twin, helios

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Torpedo Run Chapter 20

If the fist was an awe-inspiring demigod of stellar combat, agile as an eagle on the wing and lethal as asps and cobras, the sword of sol was a true god, a greek deity of old, ancient helios, come to bring death and destruction to its foes

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