Murder at the Speed of Life. (Part 4) The Wolf who Cried Boy.

Then i get a broom, because hallucinations don't eat _purina_. the human brain is not without its flaws. but even when it invents unwanted company, i can only see things my mind can imagine.

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Stalker (pt. 2)

I saw moving shadows in the dark alleyways, which, in truth, were just hallucinations. finally, i couldn't take it any more.

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Perceptional - Pt 3: Color me shocked

He may be going crazy, but he would at least try to make some sense of his hallucinations. "no. and if you're seeing things you should really get help." "no. stop right there. i have an idea."

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Havana or Hell, part two

hallucinating or not, you seem to be the only witness we have. anything you can remember is important." "zombies," i explained. "i saw everyone turning into zombies. guests, guards, the people in the basement corridor.

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Love is an endless search of one another searching for love in blind faith once it's found it you question its presence is it true love or just a hallucination? a fictitious feeling built up by your own sentiment?

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Poem- Love

Love is an endless search of one another searching for love in blind faith once it's found it you question its presence is it true love or just a hallucination? a fictitious feeling built up by your own sentiment?

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The Legend of Spyro: Brothers Until the End, Chapter 1

Was she hallucinating? 'remember what you said before when we just became mates?' ragnor's voice continued to echo through her head.

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Keeping Track of Story Universes

, it was mixed stress, poor diet, and sleep depravation so that his subconscious solved the mystery while he perceived "ghosts", lame i know, but like 4 people are going to read this) imperial splendor (science fiction, all "supernatural" stuff is hallucinations


Second Sight: Chapter Two: Arpeggio's Angels

I was still shaken up from them, even though my headaches and hallucinations had gone. once we walked through the main entrance, i tapped joseph on the shoulder, telling him that i was going to go to the doctor's office.

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Change in Venue- September

At first she tries to ignore the feeling but then decides to see if perhaps there was a chemical spill that created such a hallucination and begins to mentally cycle through the list of all of the potential causes that might make her hallucinate like that.

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Open Ocean

One hallucinated a lot, believed the inside of a barn was his head, and the flies buzzing by the windows were flies buzzing behind his eyes? crazy little guy, but he was down half a brain.


24 Dizzy

I was pretty sure i just needed to lie back down and let these hallucinations pass.

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