Perceptional - Pt 3: Color me shocked
#3 of Perceptional
Lucas doesn't seem too concerned about the fact that none of what's happening to him makes any sense. Weird stuff goes on? Might as well make the best of it. Or assume it's all a dream. Either way works.
If you're reading this- wait of course you're reading this. Otherwise how would you be reading THIS? Alright. Now that you're here, I'd greatly appreciate any nitpicking or criticism that might happen, be it in the form of a mild annoyance or full blown rage. You know. The kind that goes "How the hell could you possibly do this so badly?! You NEVER do-" or "Jeebus, man. Learn to write." It's okay. It happens all the time.
Anyways, if something I wrote didn't make sense, if something came out just plain WRONG, or if I just made a slight typo that I missed, by all means scream it in my face. I won't be able to notice it if I'm not told about it, since I have to, you know, READ what I write. If something still makes it past me, then I really wouldn't be able to notice it.
Tell me what sucks!
In his dreams, Lucas saw colors. He saw colors and nothing else. He didn't see shapes, he didn't see forms, he didn't see the borders between the colors, even though he could tell they didn't exactly blend into each other. In fact, he didn't exactly see them either. He could just tell that they were there. He couldn't tell for how long this went on, it being a dream and all, but after some point, the colors became more concrete. He could finally put a sense of space to the colors. They started to form contours and edges. They started separating from each other. The formed different patches that started shrinking. They kept shrinking until they were mere points, and then, all was black. All except for a patch of blue.
Lucas tried to get a good look at it, but it was too far away to see. Suddenly, the patch of blue skipped a bit forwards. Then a bit more. It kept moving like this, and Lucas noticed it was going in an arc around him, getting just slightly closer, but avoiding him outright. He felt compelled to reach out to it. He tried to touch it but his arm felt really heavy. Mustering all of his force, he swung his arm so that it would land on the little bit of color. He didn't quite make it, instead his hand gripped something on top of it. What it was, he couldn't tell, as it seemed as if he was holding thin air. Now that the patch of color was close enough, he could tell its shape. It was in the shape of a foot. The skipping movements it did was simply the landing of what would be footsteps. That meant that what he grabbed should be an ankle. When he came to that realization he woke up.
He was on the floor, face-down.
Dammit. Did I sleepwalk again? What the hell. Am I supposed to chain myself to the bed?
"Lucas? I don't know what you're trying to do, but this is not funny in the least. Please let go of my foot."
He looked up, surprised. He immediately released the grip he had on Mark's foot. With his ears folded back, he started sitting up.
"Dammit. I'm sorry." He replied quickly, immensely embarrassed.
"I didn't mean to."
"You didn't mean to grab my foot still." Mark said, looking a bit peeved.
"Yeah. I mean no. I didn't mean to. I... tend to sleepwalk a bit." Lucas was a bit hesitant to say that, since it technically was what scared off his previous roommate. Well, to be fair his previous roommate thought he was simply possessed with evil demons.
"Oh." Now Mark felt a bit embarrassed at his slight overreaction.
They both sat on the floor in silence for a bit. Lucas rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke.
"I hope that doesn't freak you out or anything."
"On no no. It's fine. I mean, as long as you don't strangle me in my sleep I'm totally okay with it."
They both chuckled a bit.
"Anyways," Lucas continued, " why was I on the floor again? I could've sworn you just got here."
"Wait you don't remember?"
"No. Not reall-" Then he remembered. "Oh." He paused for a second. "I'm sorry about that. I'm not really sure what happened there."
They both began to stand up.
"You should probably see a doctor about that." the black ferret turned around towards one of his bags. "By the way. You were out by only a couple of seconds. I was actually going to go out and get Mr. Judain or something, but then you unconsciously decided that I SHALL NOT PASS."
"Yeah. Again, sorry about that."
Mark grabbed one of his bags and lifted it up on his new bed. He dismissed Lucas's apology.
"Really. It's fine."
Before Luke could respond, he saw it again. From the point in which Mark grabbed the bag up until he actually set the bag on the bed, he saw a blue rectangle appear on the bed itself. It was the same size as the base of the bag, and was at the exact same spot where Mark set it down. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, not quite sure if he saw what he saw. In fear of fainting again, he took a step backwards and sat on his bed with a scared look on his face.
"Whoah. Hey you alright?" Mark asked, slightly concerned.
"I dunno. I think I'm seeing things."
"Should I go get Judain?"
Mark skipped a step back, startled.
"I mean. No. It's fine. It's nothing serious."
"Are you sure. I mean, you just FAINTED a couple of minutes ago."
"I said I'm FINE."
Mark raised his hands defensively. "Alright, alright." He turned back to his bag. "But if you faint again I'm going to get help."
"I'm okay with that compromise."
Lucas settled on just watching Mark unpack, as weird as that sounded, until whatever he had passed. He saw a yellow line appear all over the zipper on the duffel bag Mark was opening. The line disappeared as the zipper went along its course. He noticed blue spots on the surface of the bed, appearing in sequence, and disappearing as Mark placed various items on them. Folded pants, shirts, socks. Random clothes mostly, but each one was set exactly on a spot of blue that appeared just as Mark set down the previous item. He noticed that these blotches of color appeared right where Mark intended to set something down. Lucas watched him walk around the other side of the bed, towards a long low cabinet. He opened the top drawer. Right where he set held it appeared a yellow hand print that promptly disappeared right as he made contact.
"You're not seeing this are you?"
Mark turned to face Lucas.
"Seeing what?"
He thought for a second how he could put what he saw into words. Well, putting it into words was easy. He just had a hard time putting it into words that didn't make him sound like he was high on something.
"I... don't know how to put it."
He noticed the pillow that was set on the other bed.
"Okay. Grab that pillow."
Confused, he decided to comply. As he stretched his hand to grab the pillow though, Lucas suddenly yelled.
"Okay okay stop! There! You see it?"
Mark had indeed not seen it. Lucas did. To his eyes, it suddenly flashed with a purple tint. He may be going crazy, but he would at least try to make some sense of his hallucinations.
"No. And if you're seeing things you should really get help."
"No. Stop right there. I have an idea."
By now Lucas had realized a couple of things about his situation. One, the colors appeared only where Mark was going to do something. Two, if he was interrupted, the colors would disappear there.
And... Not really much else. However, if this was what Lucas thought it was, there was one thing that would make him absolutely sure of whether or not he was just hallucinating weird things, or he had some sort of mind-reading power. And which by mind-reading power he meant he was still asleep and dreaming about color-coded superpowers, of course. Probably. He stretched over his bed to reach a notebook that was laying on the small nightstand. Thankfully, he still had a pen pinched between some pages. After he got it, he stood up and walked to Mark, and gave him both items.
"Flip to any page and write anything."
Mark looked up at him with a confused expression.
"I'm not kidding. Just flip to any page and write anything."
Mark did so. He found the back half of the notebook was blank and picked a random page. He would write anything. Literally the word "anything" itself. Just as he set pen to paper, Lucas took it from his hand.
He had seen it. He saw, clear as day, the word "Anything" in yellow appeared on the page, and stopped Mark from actually writing it.
"You were going to write 'anything'." A smile was starting to appear on Lucas's mouth.
"How did you-"
"Nono don't stop." He gave him back the pen. "Write something else. Something longer."
Slightly astounded, Mark decided to do just that. It had to be just incredible luck. Right? He would write a line of gibberish that would be impossible to guess. He set the pen down and started planning what to write. Something like 'Alexandramus plompleberry in a cottage of she didn't really undomonana-
-nananaprescription of what the fuck" Lucas finished reading the exceptionally silly 'sentence' that was slowly appearing on the notebook page.
He saw that Mark had his mouth open, eyes wide, staring at Lucas in disbelief. Lucas was now grinning in earnest. "Oh my god that's what you were going to write wasn't it?"
Mark didn't reply. He took that as a yes. He started laughing.