The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 1

Gnomes, dwarves, and halflings, who had once been widely accepted within the human kingdom have fallen greatly since they did not mesh as well, and so they suffer from second-class citizen status. worse off were the humanoids and beast-kin.

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Shadow Cradle Chapter 3

Just one or two generations ago halflings were more than willing to go running through the trees nude and act like the elves they so wish they could be, but no, this one is obsessed with humanity!

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Changeling Heart: Wounded Left

"oh dear little halfling, you...are a riot!" she seemed to dry her eyes as she grinned so wide, i thought her face would crack into two. "what makes you think you can kill me?

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Song of the Huntress - Part 2

"ah, the which is the 'baggins' promised me?" the flames flared up as they reached a small can of oil to the side of the gate. the black mount and its rider reared in fear. "accursed flame," spat the nazgûl.


Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 1 Part 1

During that time: all the muscles in your physical body relax at once as if you've just become a fully certified dead person instead of just a halfling. hence the need of a diaper."

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Sea'an: On His Own

A wagon of halfling traders pulled their carts into the south end of town, waving joyously to the folk of the small town as they brought crops of fruit, vegetables and smoke weed from the other nearby towns.

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Darzhja Chapter 1 (Originally from

They were filled with humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs, dragonborns, and of course, us dragons. though in the central city of all the world - or at least the important parts of it - could one expect any less?

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To Darkness Descended

Humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, even creatures you've never _heard_about. and none of them, _none_, have lived as equals. indeed, no animal i know of does so either. it seems an intrinsic part of_life itself_ that hierarchies _will_ form.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Sixteen

A dragon halfling, a changeling child with eyes cursed to see the river of times many flows." zeyd's usually calm voice took on an unusually bitter edge. "i am an outcast from more worlds then one."

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The mandrake halfling sighs softly, looking rather worried, "that strangeness is the problem love, i just don't know how to relate to him, not even knowing what he is and all."

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Sent Kobold Chapter 13: Solstice's Carnival

There were the ones he were familiar at seeing, humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, gnomes, and a few orcs, and even then one or two of them had a unique feature most of their species didn't sport.

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Chapter 1: Kobold's Journey

Coming by was one of the townsfolk, a female halfling in a brown outfit, "hiya tall kobold, short kobold, see ya some other time." after she had passed, baous was snickering, snout in a wide grin, "so, short kobold, where to?"

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