Gods with Fur Sample - Yesterday's Trickster

The modern world wasn't something that agreed with Old Man Coyote. He helped humanity build it by giving them fire, but that had been long ago. Things were good for a long time after that, but the arrival of the Europeans changed everything. He did...

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Torn Asunder

look now my angel turn your eyes to the sky know that you shall soar no more for you have sinned you have seen, but not acknowledged heard, but not listened known, and done nothing fear now my angel turn your eyes from what is to come know my friend...

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Feori: Farming to Theomancy (Part 1)

An extra hour working in the fields one day, a bit of time spent praying to the god of grains on another. the god of grain listened to him at least, spoke to him on better days.

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The Greek's Arrival

As he approached the god, he felt feelings of horror traveling through him. "please... don't do this..." he begged zeus, but the god wasn't listening.

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Eventful Voyages, Story of The Gods

The goddess shook her head, "i do not wish to be above all the others. i will not help you in your choice. i just wish peace, and quiet. so i do not elevate my own people, but i choose yours."

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Worship you

Here's another christian poem. this one about worshiping god.

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Of Satyr and Gods Pt. 2

I was considered an evil deity by the norse people a long, long time ago. but that was just a big misunderstanding. i was the trickster, god of mischief, and i was tied to a rock with a serpent overhead as a punishment."

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SoulKeepers Chapter 4

Oh god now i'm sacred i'll get beat up for it...._jewel looks up smiling. "well i'm pregnant, that may sound weird because of how i'm thin when i had battled right?" rayne nods.

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In-Between Ch. 4

There were moments when people thought i was a god, a deity worthy of their attention. however things change within their world, they stop caring easily once a wish is not fulfilled.

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The Absence of the Dove: Chapter 1 The Gears Set in Motion

Okay so, here is my first story that a certain New Zealand gryphon (and a whole 5 weeks of imminent boredom) has persuaded me to pursue. So basically this is hopefully going to be a good 12 chapters or so, of an interesting tale of two males struggling...

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God Siege Chapter 1: The Fall of Soarsky Temple

god siege chapter 1 gale had, once again, been denied the opportunity to help out with the sunset.

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The God Dragon

With the colors of element dog, it would be able to alter the masterpiece of the god dragon, erase what had been created, and distract the god dragon from creating further. this nameless entity knew the power of black and its contrasts.

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