FAFL 360: Round 18, 2019

(149) defeated hobart 15.13 (103) at the mcg in melbourne, vic brisbane 15.19 (109) defeated by geelong 31.11 (197) at the gabba in brisbane, qld previous jimmy newman medal nominees for 2019: round 1: zach everett (fremantle panthers) round 2: brock forrester

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We need a hero...

They passed beutyfull willage, full of happy children play on wird games, women working at and near haus, lush fields of grain, heath whit herd of unicors and some other animal, lokk little like a furry rhinos, ancited forrest, full of ferries and gnomes.

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Tales of Zootopia: Me, Farrah and Aslan (alt timeline)

I'm having similar dreams, including one where i go to college and crush on some jock named devon forrester. (writer's note: ;) referenced self) whenever i fall asleep in one "world", i wake up in another.

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My Fursona

While in his cell he discovered that a loose flag stone concealed a passageway which lead out into a pine forrest at the base of the sh'shari mountain range.

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The Winterhoof Chronicles - Part 1

I'ts been in the making for quite some time now and i'm finally ready to unveil my story ^_^ enjoy the first chapter of the winterhoof chronicles, the forbidden forrest **forbidden forest** i had always wondered about the dangers my father warned me about

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Zikita: chapter 1

The forrest was really close to a big freeway so you could here cars there all the time. this was hell for the first month. but now i this bather me non. the second was the train tracks whit the side the car round.

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A Life Worth Living - Chapter 6 - Silent Night

"don't burn down the forrest again deltrox." william said. "if a tree catches, you can be the first thing i use to put it out ok will?" "ohh i'm soo afraid." he said, exaggerating being scared and grabbing our chest of food from the pile.

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Tales from English Class

That's how i ended up in forrest charter. my adopted sister already went. my best friend doug, an impala, was in my homeroom. ryu, too. as brother and sister relationships go, we have among the best.

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It's A Love Story

They were back in a forrest, however. misty needed another rest. she sat down, and asked victoria where they were going. "well, there's only one place i know of they won't check, that will be hospitable. there's an abandoned house nearby, in the forest.

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Lost in Los Angeles- Chapter 3

"penny forrester, sir." "how did you get one of our radios?" "i..." she had to tread carefully. "i found it laying on the floor a few days ago, with some of these." she fingered the flashbang grenades clipped to her belt.

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A Bard's Tale - Chapter Three.

It had been seven days since we had entered the forrest, we predicted we had about one more day to go before we reached aldri and that thought sent my mind on thoughts of the country.

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Eon's Story: chapter two

Jane would just stop what she was doing again, turning of the running water to face the fusky that was as getting around her height, "the last i saw of them... was they fled to the forrest north of this town... chased by a mob of hunters and their canines

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