Knight of God (Pt. 1)

Presently, he climbed back onto the driver's board and passed a flask across to his master.

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Between winters, Part XV

Snowheart held the flask at an arm's length, trying to avoid the pungent smell escaping the opening. "that's what the book says." he put the flask to his mouth and drank the contents in one long gulp.

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pet dragon PT2

I then made a cup of tea and put it in a flask added the crushed pills to the mix.

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Ruined - Under the Surface Chapter 5

He brought a paw up from under the water, holding the flask from before. he unscrewed the top and took a quick swig. mea held out her paw towards the flask. "may i?"

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The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 13: No Choices Left

"no thanks," i say remembering the last time i took a sip from that flask. general jeval takes another swig from the flask, then places it onto the table. the general gives out a long sigh as he stares out of the open tent watching the sky slowly darken.

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Southern Free Agents, Ch 3

Positioned to give his companion maximum access at his targets, durnok waited as another flask joined the first on the other side of the chamber but, much to his surprise, two targets were struck, each by its own flask.

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FlashFic: Roadside Assistance

That's okay, you just lean against my truck here, take another belt off this flask, look like you need it. there ya go... yup, just keep making those rifles more and more deadly.

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Those Three Words (Origins)

He then turned back to his original position, drank some of the flasks sweet warming contents, put the flask inside his tunic pockets, cleared his throat and then finally begin to play the morning call to parade, all be it much louder than

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Wolfen - Chapter 27

Once the flask was mostly empty, she placed her hand on its nose, covering its nostrils, forcing it to get rid of the liquid in its mouth one way or another to breathe.

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The Sins Of The Fathers

The little flask is containing toxic nerve gas only lethal to sentient plants. because it is also lethal to the plant child flora, jal never was able to use it.

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(CYOA) Forgotten notes

Then he looks to the flask thing. he stiff the stuff quick. it's doesn't smell that bad... it was smelling like cotton candy. then the stuff starts to froth, like shampoo.

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What if we find out

A quick inspection i found a large crack in the bottom of the flask. my eyes go wide as i place the broken flask onto the table. "okay that neat but don't you have those same flasks in you labs?" alex asked. "oh no!

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