The Elder Scrolls: Foxfall, Fruitfall - Vol. 1 of 4
The root-gatherers raced into her village from the rootworm travel-tubes where they had gathered their extra roots for export. wails were wailed, squawks squawked, and a guard rushed over in his sap-armor to summon her from gardening.
A beautiful world, prologue part 2/2
So kolratia became a grand exporter of medicine and alchemical components. more stories were also to be told in kolratia but that is to be left another tale as more of the world's tale is still to be told.
Weapon - Consolidating
Oh well lets see how his country, and the rest of the world do for a fiscal quarter, with no us exports. * * * phew, as i qqed on my journal, the amount of research this is taking is staggering.
The Audio Slave: first look
Giant chain of energy that never ends and has the power to do whatever the fuck it wants(listen to excisions triple x rated here and pay close attention to the chorus in the beginning) a few words sung in this part of the song are "i exert stress when i export
The hack: Chapter 2 (Trent)
'step 5: export the code. this feels just like my first hack, it was just embarrassing a person at first and getting them in trouble. tomorrow night i hack the world to make it safer and finally bring justice.' "trent, you ok?"
A Servant's Heart, Chapter 7
"marcus exports them sometimes. there are only three estates that keep those foul birds, and only one had a gamekeeper willing to keep enough of them around that her master could export the very best."
The Apartment Complex
Guess what their main export is yet? that's right--corn. my name is real big in the town, of course, because a part of my family owns one of the bigger farms on the outskirts of town.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 14.5.5) MORE BONUS
From 1915 until 1970, the republic pursued an isolationist policy, concentrating on the export of copper and wood, avoiding much contact with the rest of the world - in particular with ironmont.
Trip home
The vampires will not permit their export due to how hard they are to grow. during the time i was resting the elder went out and had from cheshire's statements, a long talk with red eagle.
Innovation - 2 + 3, Weapon + Indefinite Motor
We really make money off of metal exports, but only in certain materials that we've all agreed, are either useless, or we have way too much of. gold? more than you'd think, and more than is actually safe to admit.
Mission: Resurrection Part one - Chapter one
Lithra watched as po timber hooked up a small handheld computer to the chamber's export outlet. she rolled her eyes and sat on a stone structure next to dr. alireen. "with all due respect, i don't think that's necessary sir.
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter V: The Contract
She helped me craft a fine bow made from strong wood exported from valenwood and string made of silk. i worked for days to hit the targets in the training room in the center.