A Lifestyle Choice

Alright, alright, i'll admit, i've been making an exhibition of the change to some of my followers online... trying not to scare them with how drastically my body has shifted in the last two days.

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Demarcation Line: Chapter 1 - The Incident

Now then, shall be get straight to the exhibition match? if all students would kindly move to the seating area while we prepare." students began mumbling again. i don't blame them. where the hell did an exhibition match come from?

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Rexville 37: Careless Lips

The little fair exhibition went on well as their professor came to check on their work before giving them their results and packed their things to end the day.

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Snapshots - The Show Must Go On

Fabric whisked down, bringing the gut-wrenching sensation of unintended exhibitionism - cool air on stiffened pride. arthur froze, unable to breathe, gaze flicking to robert.

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Draven's Story: Memory 2

In the middle of the chaos was court 5, where a friendly exhibition match was being played. on the side closest to the center of the gym was a hybrid. a mixture of a fox and rabbit by the looks of it.

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Crushed (Kreet - 63)

Despite what you saw back in your bar, i'm not an exhibitionist! well, except for you." that made kallid smile genuinely. "you take it and bring me back some new clothes, how about?" she nodded and wrapped herself up.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 22)

"i've actually been dying to meet you ever since that exhibition match you did back in january! it was so cool! when you had that ibex in a three-quarter facelock and then did that two-handed bulldog, i nearly fell out of the bleachers!

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The new wolf chpter 3

He never had any shame showing off body, bordering exhibitionism. he may be a respected beta, but he is also one of the most perverted people i know. "so, shoot," he took a bite out of some meat he was holding, probably deer, "what do you want to ask?"

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Helluva Boss: Is There No Gray in Hell? Part 1

That if you and your little demented exhibitionist pet extend this fiasco past this one night, if you keep on spreading shit about my boss, or if the pest makes good on his threats of legal action, when blitz is _already_ struggling to keep his business afloat

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Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Growing up 9

Wendy didn't really seem to care though, which kind of made sense since it was just an exhibition game anyway. wow, i just realized that game was also teresa's first fba game....and we went in witch costumes.

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Story of Chai Raleigh, Chapter 1.02

"i'm sorry to ruin it ma'am, but everyone is asking where their host is for the... exhibition between you and... master chai." jaz blinked and stood up off the bench. "oh yeah, forgot about that..."

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david's college days part twenty

This is the truth of Mr. STORM and miss dragon this is to read only by the people of yiffstar it is top secret so if you read it keep it to your selves. It all happed a couple of years ago now, after the fieldtrip were David and pippin had...
