
empathy and kindness. humans didn't need to be exterminated. they needed to be guided and taught. someone had to take the time to show them the way. they could change if only they were given the chance. i read a book once.

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empathy, as much a blade as any surgeon's tool shall be our instrument of peace, as we now fight this duel. with broken hearts and tear-filled eyes we'll weather coming storm.



I build walls of emotions and fences of fortitude whilst i stack the bricks of my empathy and shout "i will not be like him!" and he comes like he always does, rending my hard work asunder in a blaze of thunder that rivals zeus himself.



The only thing that's grown most seemingly upset if things aren't made easy for their point of view with this, standards for common sense can't be found, there's nothing really new emotions take up most of the space where one could find skill empathy

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While female, i'm sensitive self doubting, emotional empathy not apathy drives my soul and i'm actually social i'm selfless and curious and drawn to the arts my ideas form plans bloom this is what i am this is the moon when feel like both my personalities

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Memories: A Poem

If i can tell you how happy she made me, and by some trick of empathy make you happy too, then i think that's the best way to honor her. i'm sorry to any of you who might be expecting a different type of story from me, but i just needed to do this.

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Shield of the West

For empathy is stronger still than boundaries you construct. those borders, walls, and fortresses, i will now make destruct.

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AKoE: Chapter 1 - Friendship

#2 of another kind of empathy sorry i took so long, but... a lot of stuff has happened. some good, some bad, but needless to say i haven't been giving this the needed attention.

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Profile: Ralphael Nakai

. \* due to his empathy and down to earth logic, everyone has great respect for him. \* he is usually the clam one of the group, always calming isabelle whenever she gets angry.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 21 of 37

I continued at her empathy, "i've been trying to find out more information about it, but i don't think there's really much to go on." "was it a random mugging?" kat speculated.

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Leap of Faith (Original)

Very nice.-_ "i'd have to say empathy is one of the hardest psychic abilities to control. which would explain its exteme rareness even among the psychic community. "we-" my mouth snapped shut before i finished as garen interrupted me.

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You Make Me Cry

Most of all, he was shocked by his boyfriend's utter lack of compassion and empathy here; they'd been together for almost half a year, now. they'd been close. happy. "don't... don't you want to stay here?" he asked, his voice as small as he felt. "wi...

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