
It was so embarrassing . . . she didn't even know why she had to come to school on days like this anyways. it wasn't like she was really missing anything that she couldn't do from home.

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Attack of Hentitties

The Feline Hentittes Story begins on a big house that was owned by an earthling male feline named Tydrian who appeared to be somewhat of a playboy, or in this case a playcat, who seemed to have many girls living with him. A white arctic wolf...

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Itan's Unfortunate Day 4

Dear Journal, It's been some a half year since the last time something happened to my clothes. I'm convinced that either someone has put a curse on me or there's some sort of conspiracy of having me stripped in public. Maybe it's just me under...

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Itan's Unfortunate Day 2

Being embarrassed and panicky, i couldn't think straight and my shorts instantly gave a sharp ripping sound from behind. the entire thing simply gave and fell apart in pieces.

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Chapter VII: Compassion In Your Hands

He still felt a bit ashamed at being naked in front of his caregiver - not to mention when her paws started massaging shampoo into his fur - but it was a good feeling, and he was able to relax. "your bath won't last forever, kaeden.

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Time to Sleep

I stammered, rather embarrassed. "...well, goodnight, max." "goodnight... gill." _lights off, and with a last yawn, i sink into the sleep._

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The Grin Paws - Chapter 3: The Grin's Fate

"this isn't just something that's embarrassing or funny anymore...whatever that shopkeeper is, we need to stop him and quickly...if they can do something like that, then you're more of a weapon than just some dancing fool...pardon the pun."

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Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 6

So, as the pain continued to pummel her innards, she shouted all the embarrassing feminine facts she knew. she made quite a racket that night.

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Of Impropriety

Falling-star whimpered, burning now with embarrassment. she dared not to see the knoll now, but the doe was certain that the pronghorn had seen her folly.

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Aristocat Birth Story

Wasn't she at all ashamed of what she had said, embarrassed about how the kittens got here in the first place.

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Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 7

"i know, embarrassing, right?" sisu replied, "but anyway, i was wondering if you had any ideas what to do with them, because holding on to them is kind of awkward and all if you know what i mean."

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A New Friend and a Sore Rear End

And he was so embarrassed that j baby's green eyes soon welled up. the rhythmic spanking turned his white bottom to pink. and he was hoping that soon this punishment would be over.

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