The Soul Keepers Chapter 1 (no yiff)
As demon looked around, she sees a small porcelain doll lying in a chair. demon turns slowly around while keeping her eyes on it to find it very pretty. the doll had beautiful brown curls with a red bonnet on her head.
Dreamy Waterfall
No longer a frozen porcelain doll. a doll that stroked the shattered mirror. scattered pieces that told my porcelain story. i lived at home playing cinderella. a wicked witch. a cruel father figure.
Army of Cuteness Part 4
It seemed i could play as a boy or girl plushie, or a boy or girl doll. the dolls looked like humans, but with plastic skin and exaggerated features. they were more like small children's dolls than the fashion dolls that many young girls play with.
Army of Cuteness Part 6
A huge fountain of shimmering pink hair rose a foot above the doll's already imposing height before cascading down to her shoulders. the doll's cheeks bore pink circles emulating a blush, but they were quite solid.
Shifting Gears
If his body is a clockwork doll or owl now, does he no longer sleep, or eat? what does his body actually get powered by?
A Fatal Game 6 - Blindly Searching
Feeling a little disheartened at having scared the little one, he picked up the doll and walked back through the doll room, only to hear a strange moaning from the cherry atrium.
The Creation of a Soul
The puppet felt its body lifted off of the table; then, the doll was dressed in a pure white gown.
Aberration, Part 3 - The Gift
It's not that i trust the doll, but i have a feeling i'm doing this whether or not i accept.
Mourning The Sun
"you're doll can easily be fixed. here, let me see it."
The Games a Foot
One is learning to dress yourself using this doll, the other is the doll" she said, holding up another dress to me as the girls in the class looked at me like a pack of hyenas eyeing a plate of barbecue ribs. i took the stupid doll.
Lord of arms- Chapter 4
Before the doll could react, will stabbed the doll with his remaining sword, and slashed downwards. "well, that was impressive! i haven't seen many werebeasts do that!" jack laughed.
Guro Challenge #18: Ball-Jointed Doll
Carefully, she walked stiff-limbed, straight-backed, as doll-like as she could be, and it became easier as she went, at least until they reached the top of the stairs. the dress was definitely too long.