Children of the Earth and Sky 8 - The Dreams They Felt

"why do you delay me from seeking the depths of darkness?!" "becauszhe it'szh a really bad idea!" baldwin cried spreading his arms.

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Beyond Tranquil Waves

Gazing down to the depths below, questions still unanswered. strange creatures flowing freely, tides carrying them to every corner. light glistening from the surface, the thinnest barrier. a world above and a world below.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Ii - Ll)

Those who know how to navigate its depths can cut off three days of travel compared to if you cross the mountain paths, which are treacherous in their own right, but to those who travel into the depths without a guide may end up lost for days before they find


Chronicles of the Shikari: Prologue

It was this essence that flooded the planet, cloaked it in a thick level of hot magi which soaked easily into the depths and cracks of the surface down into the very core itself, and with this the planet was no longer dependent on the gods.


468 The Last of the First Ones

Here is a withered old wreck, long sparse white beard yellowing at the center, wild staring eyes, half his teeth at strange angles and the rest missing, and yet she suspects that if she'd intimidated him with any number of actual threats, rather than her depth

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681 Gratuitous Tentacles

It is this very transparency that make them appear rooted in the shadows at the depths, and brightly lit where they reach outward toward the light.

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2021-08-30 Writing in 3D Exercise

As she scoured the depths of the abyss, looking for a shark or three to munch on, she kept logging names in her head for the child she hoped would come. zonknor. groombot. plank. phrargrg. and yet, she didn't have a name for the father.

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unspoken words

Within the vast depths of the ocean, only one thing remains true. one day the morning will come where light reaches even the darkest corners of the depths. one day the mourning will come to an end, and we will ride into the night.

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Twisted Mind

As he spoke his mouth did not move, but his words rang threw out the depths. "join us anetka, and with your powers, we can rule the world together!" "what powers!" anetka screamed confused.

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Ketos and the Leviathan

I would like to hear it again; pray call it down, if not to my depth, then to yours." i kicked my fluke and flipped about, and with such ease that its request seemed no hardship.

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Incalculable Vastness.

Sometimes, however, that depth of thought comes at a price- something has to drive you to it, that enables you to channel those distant frequencies.


The Starry Night

The fox's breathing slowed as he fell asleep in the arms of the dragon, who kissed him lightly on the head before gazing up into the starry sky the clouds of steam rising around them and vanishing into the depths of the cosmos.

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