Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-three

Right now the sight of his corpulence just made me mad. "yes." i said bitingly, "let's let our least experienced members go wandering off into the unknown. just to spare your fat ass walking around for a few minutes!"

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 26: The Battle of Sanctuary Begins

We don't need a sitter, you corpulent ogre._ dane was being more diligent than quick when it came to suiting up for this battle. it was no mere skirmish, like the kind he was used to.

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Grentail Manor Chapter 1

It was now quite obvious how a dragon, a species known for its impressively athletic members, could have grown so corpulent. "don't worry about that, i'll have her bring smaller servings if you would prefer."

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Establishing Dominance

The legs buckled, the seat bowed, and then the entire thing crashed down to split down the middle beneath the corpulent king, the fragmented remains buried beneath his blubber-laden backside.

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la peintre

A la fin de mon repas, je vis l'hôtelier, un homme aux cheveux gris et de grosse corpulence,me faire signe de venir. je finis rapidement les restes de mon petit déjeuner et accourus vers lui.


Of Diets and Defiance [1/2]

As the jiggling settled, kazan hefted his overhang so the ferret could wrap the tape around his corpulent girth.

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Chapters Fourteen -- Paradise Lost

A very heavyset, even corpulent, man sat gazing back out at them. his features were impossible to make out as they were masked by constantly moving squares of gray pixels, leaving only the outline of his face, his ears, and the top of his head clear.

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Carnival of Traitors - Chapter I

Sung the corpulent female. over her black and tan fur, so similar in pattern to her son's, she was wearing a dirty-white chemise, and a red apron, covered in work-stains. a white coif on her head protected her from the sun.

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The Easy Life

Silently he straightened up and squinting, looked down at her, studying her corpulent figure as if he did not see her every day.

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The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 5 - Ring of Fire

Toroi fought to repress a smirk as he watched the corpulent toad guildsman, consul poteris of the golden peony, swagger arrogantly through the crowd in his gilded moisture-suit, jewels dripping from the heavy chain of office about his bloated throat and the

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'Fair' Judgement

The gaze of the corpulent possum flickered to her, and then downward in shame as she finally waddled away from them both. he frowned at her. "carmen, that was mean.

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Return to Sender 9 - Two-Tailed Zone

**"his corpulent form has not...become corporeal, hmhmhmhm...sadly. but i will not abandon ye. i can help ye.

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