Burdens - Chapter 69: Tired

A burglar perhaps? he collected himself and made his way down as quietly as he could. peeking around the corner, he identified the source of the noise. his father had seemingly just gotten home.

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Academia - Part 8

With some trepidation, the fox turned his thoughts to the previous night, to what was going through his head as he fought off the burglar. there was fear, of course, and anger.


1:17 Blackwell

Alias knew that the laptop could easily be stolen by some petty burglar, or destroyed by some force, so he took precautions to prevent the loss of data.

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch.12

Yeah, or he's some burglar and he'a gonna kill me. a voice in my head said bitterly. but i had to do something. i cleared my throat, expecting the fox to turn around. he didn't. "umm, hello?" i tried to sound brave but my voice betrayed me.

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Clue: Chapter 2 - Hidden lives, revealing secrets

"the only reason why i did that was because i was forced by a burglar in my house to get them for me." mr. chihaku said with tearful eyes.

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Probably thought i was a common burglar. my ears flicked as i heard the first sounds of the impeding storm. the high pitched angry note grew in volume and was joined by many others as the night suddenly came alive with activity.

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Sorry state

It was the police coming to arrest him, a burglar who read his name on the fridge, a stalking serial killer. there won't be a chance to find out as long as the door stays closed. "he's here for you wolf, you know it. why else?

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PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 8

But the burglars caught her then," i stopped myself there. "that is the sum we think happened." "however they left," i said, "they left after they attacked ms. young." "what makes you say that?" "well, look at the blood stain.

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Wu Sisters’ game 1: Farewell Mei Ling

.** ** the burglars left the house in chaos.** ** "this is not good," po pointed at the broken table, it was cut into half.** **  

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Pin and Paper Ep.1 ch.1

There are a few people that have keys to the apartment such as my brother, donita, and my friend vincent, and its a pretty nice part of town so i wasn't worried about a burglar.

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Between Ordinary Birds

I now regarded aaabaaajss with suspicion, as if he were a burglar, come to do us harm. he was a servant of lord helix and the trainer red, after all, and both of us knew that red was aj's true target.

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The Journey chapter 1: The Beginning

I'm just a burglar! don't worry! i'll just grab something and go my way!' he shouted back with a smirk. kairi giggled. he started to grab his travelling gear he had prepared the night before.

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