Chronicles of B-Man - Lucifer Part 1
-belle glanced to dixie- what were they?
The Cave
belle!? belle, oh my gods, are you okay?!? belle shook her head, her world spinning.? ?y-yeah? j-just a bump?? ?this hole?s really deep? crap,? beau said.? ?belle, stay right there. i?m gonna go get daddies, okay??
The Cave
"belle! belle, oh my gods, are you okay?!" belle shook her head, her world spinning. "y-yeah... j-just a bump..." "this hole's really deep... crap," beau said. "belle, stay right there. i'm gonna go get daddies, okay?"
The aqua portal-part 6
A hole appeared on belle's side of the stone showing adam's mind where his human soul was previously. belle opened her bottle, poured adam's buizel soul and went to stand next to nick to chant the spell with him.
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Seventeen
But why would-- he stopped in midair in front of the bell jar. it was empty. "someone's already got the bell!" he exclaimed, spinning to face his squad. "what do we do?" "there's nothing we _can_do," willow said.
Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblad part 7
As he picked him self up it was no other then bell herself bell: oh , im so happy your here !
The aqua portal-part 5
Adam and nick approached belle who was next to the door. nick asked "why are we whispering?" belle replied "if we talk too loud, we might disturb some of his memories when we he was in our family."
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Thirteen
If he wasn't careful, he was going to bring the bell straight to it, only for the doe to steal it and score instead of him! he yanked the bell away from her, then gasped, his eyes widening.
License to Kiss - Chapter 1: Prelude to a Kiss
Sweetie belle nodded. "so, temporal and spatial displacement, perhaps the arrival was off due to the heisenbuck uncertainty principle..." applejack was a bit put off by sweetie belle's manner.
2 Of My Poems
She hope be right belle wanders round alone belle throws away her phone belle sighs, cries, then just utters a groan belle wonders if her beau is truly anywhere unknown
Beauty and the Beast Within (Teaser/Preview)
bell shakes her head, looking sad, and places a blanket around his shoulders before leaving) bell: it is into this scene that my father and i come.
Recreational Voyage (Otherwise Untitled)
Loose fitting t-shirt and pants over her belt and flexplate, she looked up to bell to verify, "i'm on vacation, right?", striking a bit of a pose. ~ bell chuckled again in agreement, "yup.