A Major Calls

A bayonet is a nasty weapon. i saw claws and teeeth used, too, on both sides. the captain and i had our pistols out. it wasn't easy to get a clear shot because everyone was so mixed up, but we did our best.

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The Great Adventure

Another attacker reached him, his gun raised and charging in a classic bayonet stance. eralius waited for him to get close before moving quickly to the left, grabbing the victim's hair and then bringing his axe round in a swift movement.

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PX - 223

Then dives to the right and rolling, aiming his weapon back on where the creature crashed in heap, it starts to get back up, its large arms shaking, thase quickly stands and runs over to the creature, pressing his boot down hard on its back then shoving his bayonet

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The Battle of Tare

Not even bothering with bullets, the black claw lunged with the bayonet, and tyr reacted instinctually, bringing the shotgun up sideways across his front, catching the rifle barrel with his stolen weapon, the bayonet sticking out underneath it, the

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Chapter I: Rifts Inside of Us, Part One

And then basil was interrupted as the other primetrooper ran behind him with his bayonet. basil slashed out with other arm and held both bayonets and primetroopers in place with his sword.

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musket: chapter two

Some sort of military uniform on but from where it was hard to tell as it was torn, frayed, and burnt. laying right next to him was two other anthros, a wolf and a lynx this time, that was wearing the same type of uniform, and an unusually long rifle with a bayonet

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Merciless Ch. 4

"you may use any one you like except this" he said pointing to an extremly deadly looking m16 with bayonet,lazerlight, scope, skeletal stock and flip up range finder. "that one is my favorite" he said taking the gun out of the rack.

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College Transformation Part 1

He did have his bayonet in his trunk, and that would work just fine for hunting. and besides, gunshots would just attract unwanted attention.

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Eternal Mortality: The Tutinian Civil War Part One

A field marshall, and five officers stand atop some object or objects and draw their sabers in the direction of the enemy, and convey no emotion, soldiers fix bayonets, and blindly charge into open fire spraying bullets as they go, it's tradition not to speak

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Chapter IV: Markus and Helena, Part One

Dwight said as he stepped forward and in his two hands formed two pistols but with bayonets over the muzzles. the dinosaur ran forward spreading out his arms. he jumped up towards markus, but the hawk fired a blast of electricity.

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Chapter III: On The Moors of PXC-348

The velociraptor ran towards his attacker and hit the swords with his bayonet.

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Opponents of Dusk chapter 3; Shut Up

The woman asked with a bayonet in her hand. she was of medium height and i didn't want to admit it but she was very beautiful. she was a grey wolf with blond hair that swayed below her shoulders.
