Surprise Drive - Prologue

Joy. Pure joy. It was all he could feel at the moment. Pure joy and pure bliss. It felt heavenly and made him smile. It made him feel as though life couldn't get any better. There was a skip to his steps as he walked along the path between the scraps...

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Aftermath The Cubone flexed and stretched his limbs as his alarm clock roused him from his slumber. After fumbling around for a couple seconds, he managed to silence its blaring speakers and sat himself up. He scrunched his eyes closed as he gingerly...

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Zara's Academy Life

Zara's Academy Life Zara sat quietly in the library, earphones stuffed in his ears and his eyes fixated to the screen of his laptop. He wasn't really watching anything; he just wanted to avoid having eye contact with any of the other students who were...

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Kamen Rider Zero: Chapter SPECIAL (Part 1)

Kamen Rider Zero CH SPECIAL: _S_pecial _Storytime_ The screams of terrified furs. The pounding of their feet as they ran inside. The slamming of doors as they were closed tightly shut. All of these sounds echoed throughout the city as a bizarre,...

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Anything GOOOes (2/3)

_Beeeeeeeeeep..._ _ _ _Beeeeeeeeeeep..._ _ _ _Beeeeeeeeeeeeep..._ _ _ _Click_ _ _ Aleis cleared his throat. "Hello?" "Hey Aleis," Mai's voice came through, "Just thought I'd say hi." "Oh," Aleis replied, "well hi." Mai chuckled. "So how'd...

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Anything GOOOes (1/3)

_There is no calamity greater than lavish desires. __There is no greater guilt than discontentment. __ And there is no greater disaster than greed._ Lao-tzu (604 BC - 531 BC), The Way of Lao-tzu [Anything...

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The Story of the Noble Dragon, Critias

### The Story Of the Noble Dragon, Critias **Long ago, before dragons walked on two legs,** **there lived a noble dragon named Critias.** **He protected those who were innocent and kind, willing away all who wished malice upon them.** **Critias...

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Unexpected Bet

Unexpected Bet Elena's ears swiveled back and forward as she tried to listen for Zara's voice. This on its own was already difficult, as Zara naturally spoke in a quieter tone. What didn't help was the fact that the lunch area was _filled_ with other...

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Childhood Friends

Childhood Friends ~_13 years ago_ "I'm so glad that you brought your kids over to play with Zara," said a cheerful Zoroark, "He doesn't have any playmates to help him come out of his shell, so this is a welcome change of pace." The Umbreon sitting...

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Unkept Promises

Unkept Promises "Excuse me!" Elena shouted after some passing-by morphs, "Have you, by any chance, seen a Zoroark about _this_ tall, has a purple ponytail, wears glasses and usually a sweater?" Everyone in the group shook their heads. "Dang... Okay,...

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Zara 2

"'Anyways,'" Gwen went on, "'I think I get that question now, thanks.'" She went silent for a moment as she jotted down her answer. "'Okay, next question I don't understand: What has been the dominant gender in human society for over several...

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An Intro to an Introvert

This story was actually uploaded in parts in another set, but I've decided to just upload the whole thing here. Though it said in those uploads, I'll point out here that this was a very experimental character of mine meant for me to practice with a...

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