The Secret Dance of Two Male Cetaceans

Dive from prying shark eyes the black still depths echo our canal cries our held lungs burn with pleasure baited breaths and hold this moment, risk even our deaths and there we shall dance to the end of time always, forever, your heartbeats with mine.

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Bianca wondered why criminals using other children as bait? among the other dark streets unfriendly group of mice bernard and bianca stole a locket that she dropped the girl who was abducted when the detective was wounded.

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S2 Ep17 Trouble is brewing pt3

"yes our game plan is to bait out the wolves to finally eliminate them for the sake of our parents and our corporate empire." the eldest sister said with an evil grin.

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Dreams of You

I cannot forget your face, i cannot recall your name, i hope, i fear, with baited breath, that each night is the same. is this premonition? will i one day look upon that face in truth? you haunt me so, you hound my every thought.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Thirty Five

"we sprang their trap once, so we'll have to bait it again. that shouldn't be too hard. kaylie wants you dead, and you are very _not_-dead at the moment. i'll get with a few of my contacts, and..."

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We all wanna for a balloon

Ballon salesman (dying) i can not allow these criminals use children as bait. they were safely locked, and... bernard and bianca decide to go in search of kidnapped kids, which will then be sold, while jake must find the key of the old house


W.O.L.F. 5 - Darwin Zones

- to prevent you from entering the bait world. - bait world? - shadow bait. as long as it's running, they stay there. they hate light. during the day the basement is the darkest place they can find. - and outside? - you mean your world?

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Rexville 15: Online Tournament Part 1

"uh, i need you as a live bait..." sol guiltily smiled. "live bait? what are you saying?" hunter was puzzled. "can you at least tell me what you're planning?" "okay, you know robin, the secret admirer?" hunter nodded.

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Unwelcome Reunions: Distracted by the Bait [Part 2/4]

Cade didn't rise to the bait, she knew that was a lie but sometimes her bullying attitude splashed its influence to target him a little. "so what's the deal with this stuff?"

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Chapter 15- "Kira Strikes Back"

Since l chose not to disclose the name of their bait and it's not a matter of public record, if he lives, then it would make light seem more suspicious because he wouldn't be able to kill him.

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The Worm and the Fish

As the worm dangled on the end of his line, the fisherman became frustrated that none of the fish were biting, and began to curse the worm for being lousy bait. "stupid worm", he said, "wriggling around like that and warning all the fish away.

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QWERTY: Prologue

What a bait username. profile is on private. i'll just spoof her cookie data to reveal the pictures. the latest picture is of her with a german shepherd. 3 days ago. "love him xxx" was she cheating on casey?

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