Introduction to a story I haven't thought about much...

It is said, that while summer and autumn are resting, spring and winter still love each other as they did once they had fled, and vice-versa with summer and autumn when spring and winter are resting. and thus a cycle began.

Autoimmune Scarring of the Myelin Sheath

autumn will come for each of us, for me, and you as well. and should it come today, or twenty seven thousand years from now, to take you from me, that day will i say, and not before, that autumn comes too soon.

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A Conflict of Interests - Part 1

Maybe autumn was right, london thought. maybe i really am not ready to commit to her yet. perhaps i'll retire early tonight and sleep on it, then consult autumn in the morning.

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MLP: Prelude pt 4

autumn looked up to her queen then back to the colt. "yes i have seen that the princesses have taken a shine to him." solaris nodded to autumn before slowly approaching the morning colt.


Changeling, the Dreaming - A Basic Introduction

The world that mortals perceive is known as the autumn world, or sometimes the gray world.

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Amber Scenery

Adorned in splendid autumn's dress, the ancient trees spread autumn's mess. beneath a stock of orange clones, a golden leaf in fuller tones.


Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 4

Both misty and autumn were believed dead. however, they found autumn alive, but they could not find misty. autumn died weeks later at the hospital.

in a wolf's body: chpt 16: i will never leave you

Asked julian as he cocked his head and autumn just shook her head disapprovingly.

Autumn Woods - Chapter Six

"This is Diamond's Heart?" Rye asked confused. "Yes," Cloud answered. The car idled, waiting in a line for the valet parking. "Same principles and food, but it's all local so it's fresher and a tad bit more expensive." The building was lit with...

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Autumn Woods - Chapter Five

"Do you mind if I drive?" asked Cloud as they approached Rye's new car. "Nope, go ahead," Rye said tossing Cloud the keys. "Where we going now?" "It's a surprise," Cloud said with a mischievous grin. "I made reservations at nine for us at...

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Autumn Woods - Chapter Four

Early in the morning after, before the sun has fully risen, Rye's eyes fluttered open. At first he was confused, being familiar with the barrack's bunk beds, but soon Rye felt Cloud's heartbeat and slow breathing in his arms. Relaxing again, Rye waited...

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Autumn Woods - Chapter Three

#18 of tropical third chapter of the sequel to tropical, autumn woods. it's been a very long time since i've even opened autumn woods so i don't remember much of what i wrote myself.

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