Autumn Woods - Chapter Five

Story by WhitePawPrints on SoFurry

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#20 of Tropical

Private date time for the two otters

"Do you mind if I drive?" asked Cloud as they approached Rye's new car.

"Nope, go ahead," Rye said tossing Cloud the keys. "Where we going now?"

"It's a surprise," Cloud said with a mischievous grin. "I made reservations at nine for us at Diamond's Heart."

"I thought you were joking about taking me there," Rye admitted. Cloud drove the car out of the parking spot and joined the traffic on the main roads. "They're expensive."

"You should enjoy your first full day back," Cloud commented. "So we will eat at your favorite restaurant after we make our next stop."

"And where is that?"

"I told you, it's a secret."

Rye laughed and turned on his iPod to a song that they both enjoyed.

Nearly half an hour went by with Rye watching the cities go by until they were entering the mountains and Rye didn't recognize the area. Knowing that Cloud wouldn't give up his secret, Rye didn't question where they were but he looked around with more curiosity. The shadows of trees and rocks grew longer as the time went by and sun lowered in the sky.

Rye's curiosity grew more when Cloud pulled off onto a dirt road but Rye still didn't question. Ten minutes went by and Cloud finally parked the car at what seemed to be the dead-end of the road. Both getting out of the car, Rye surveyed his surroundings wondering where they were and why they were here.

"So where are we?" Rye finally decided to ask.

"We're not there yet," Cloud said, grabbing Rye by the paw and leading him to a path in the foliage.

"It's a bit dark," Rye expressed his concerned.

Cloud smiled, pulling Rye closer to him. "Don't worry, it's safe. Just watch where you step."

Following Cloud's advice, Rye allowed himself be led by Cloud. For five minutes of steep climbing, neither of them said anything until they came to a large clearing that surrounded a small lake.

Staring at the lake, Rye was hesitant to continue to follow Cloud's pull but Rye soon noticed where Cloud was leading him to. A log cabin, with a balcony extending over the lake's shore sat silently and dark next to the woods and the shore.

"Can we go in there?" Rye asked, shocked.

"Yes," Cloud smiled. "This is Mrs. Crown cabin."

"And she's letting us borrow it?" Rye questioned.

"Yep," Cloud confirmed.

Still pulling Rye by the paw, Cloud led Rye through the front door of the cabin.

"I'd like to meet this cougar," Rye muttered.

Although the cabin interior was impressive, Rye didn't have time to marvel it because Cloud quickly dragged him through and too the patio. A large lake, bordered by the forest, that was laid out in front of cabin was illuminated by bright and beautiful colors from the setting sun.

"So what are we doing here?" Rye asked when Cloud finally let go of his paw.

Cloud lounged in a pool chair and motioned for Rye to join him. When Rye did, he answered "I've always been a sucker for romantic scenes, so I thought we could watch the sunset over the lake."

Rye nuzzled against Cloud's chest and looked over the lake to see the sun shining a bright pink, casting light over the land. "It is beautiful."

"Yes it is," Cloud agreed, smiling.

Time melted away with the sun sinking beneath the horizon and changing colors from pink, to red, to orange until it finally faded away and the stars started to shine brightly.

Rye was resting sleepily, with his ear against Cloud's chest, listening to his heartbeat, thinking about how much he loved the white otter when the last traces of sunlight faded away and were replaced by rays of moonlight from the large, rising moon.

"Hey sleepy," Cloud said interrupting Rye's thoughts. "It's still spring time so we have a couple hours before we go to dinner."

"Hmm," Rye said. "What do you want to do then?"

"Well, I really want to go swimming in the lake with you."

"Swimming?" Rye thought, thinking it as an odd suggestion since they often went swimming together. "I haven't brought my shorts."

Cloud got up, leaving Rye looking at him confused. "That's not a problem," Cloud said with a grin. He started to strip off his clothes.

Still confused and slightly slow from being drowsy, Rye watched Cloud remove all his clothes and continued to stare at him with a confused expression.

"Come on otter," Cloud said laughing and pulling Rye to his feet.

Rye finally got the idea and before Cloud could start undressing Rye, he unbuttoned his pants and shirt, and threw them aside. Soon Rye was also wearing nothing in the dark, standing next to Cloud.

Satisfied, Cloud grinned and dove over the balcony into the lake. Rye dove in after him and they both resurfaced next to each other, only lit by the moonlight. Slipping his arms around Cloud, Rye treaded the water after realizing the lake is deeper than he thought it was.

"This is the first time I've gone skinny-dipping," Rye admitted, looking directly into Cloud's eyes.

"Mine too," Cloud also confessed with a smile. "I was here before you got back, and I found an island that's out in the middle of the lake. After we get back from dinner, I thought we could swim out there."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Rye said, agreeing with Cloud's plans. "You've been thinking a lot about my return, haven't you?"

"Of course, silly. It's all I thought about."

Rye chuckled. "Do you know how deep the lake gets?"

"Nope, I only explored the lake for us to do things together."

Smiling, Rye kissed Cloud gently and with a challenging look, Rye dove under the surface and swam toward the deepest end of the lake that he could find. Rye knew Cloud would follow.

Without hesitation, Cloud dived in after Rye and swam up next to him. Still swimming forward, they both looked at each other. Without warning, Cloud grabbed Rye's paw, turned and rolled under Rye until Cloud was looking up at Rye and Rye looking down at Cloud.

Rye leaned in closer to Cloud, hesitated for only a moment before Rye slid his tongue in Cloud's maw to meet his tongue.

The slight current in the lake caused Rye and Cloud to slowly rotate, but neither paid attention as they shared their kissed.

Before a minute could go by though, Rye and Cloud was pushed onto shore which distracted them and they broke their kiss. With Cloud now on top of Rye, Rye stayed motionless staring at Cloud who was staring right back at Rye. Cloud finally relaxed over Rye's heart and Rye kept his arms tight around him.

"You know, ever since I got back, your body has been more and more irresistible," Rye stated with a laugh, still aware that they were both naked.

Cloud giggled. "It's always been a struggle to resist your body. But we have to leave in an hour otherwise we're going to miss dinner."

On cue, Rye's stomach growled. Cloud laughed again. "I haven't eaten for most part of the day. Can you blame me if I'm a little hungry?" said Rye, also laughing. Rye looked around and didn't see the cabin. "Do you know where we are?"

"Not really, but if we walk along the shore heading south, we should find the cabin," Cloud commented, without looking up. He kept his eyes closed and remained rested on Rye's chest. "It shouldn't take more than ten minutes to walk there."

Rye didn't say anything more, but instead just relaxed, still holding Cloud. Gently, Rye brought up one paw and petted Cloud's fur between his ears. In response, Cloud only giggled lightly and remained listening to his boy's heartbeat.

Not even five minutes went by when Cloud sighed with discomfort and pushed off the ground, standing up.

"I guess we should get going," Cloud said offering a paw to Rye.

Rye took Cloud's paw and was pulled to his feet. With one swift movement, Cloud put his arm around Rye's waist and they started walking along the shore.

"I'm a bit jealous right now," Rye tried to say seriously but couldn't help from giggling.

"Why?" Cloud asked almost concerned.

"All the woodland creatures around here get to see you naked too," Rye pouted.

Cloud laughed. "They'd look at you more than they would look at me."

"I doubt that," Rye laughed with Cloud. "The moonlight that's reflecting off your fur makes you look like you're glowing." Rye paused as their laughs died down. He looked down at his body and looked back up at Cloud. "I've never been so openly exposed. Skinny-dipping and walking in the open naked; that's a lot of firsts with me."

"For me as well," Cloud said. "But I know I've been enjoying tonight so far."

"So have I," Rye agreed and squeezed Cloud's waist tighter.

With the waves lapping at their heels, the two otters walked silently along the lake's shore in the moonlight. Neither was cold, despite their nudity and wet fur because they kept the other warm with their own bodies.

Close with Cloud's prediction, they were able to see the cabin within a few minutes. Soon afterward, they were back on the balcony that overlooked the lake.

"Let's go shower first," Cloud suggested when Rye grabbed his pile of clothes. "We can't be the best-looking couple there if we look like fur puffs."

"Okay," Rye agreed with a laugh and took his clothes with him as he followed Cloud back into the cabin.

Forty minutes later, Rye and Cloud were getting in their car; fur neatly combed, head-fur styled, clothes on straight and whiskers rigid. Again, Cloud drove but Rye didn't pay attention to his surroundings this time; instead he stared at Cloud and how he was dressed in his finest.

"Everyone is going to be jealous of me when they see me with you," Rye commented. "You look absolutely beautiful."

Cloud chuckled. "You don't look too bad yourself," Cloud said, risking a glimpse at Rye but he quickly looked back at the road. "I wish you were driving so I could stare at you. But that'd probably make you a bit uncomfortable, like how you're making me uncomfortable and self-conscious right now."

They both laughed.

"Sorry," Rye apologized and looked at the road in front of them. "I can't help myself sometimes." Rye was surprised that there was no other traffic on the road, and he realized that they must be really far from the cities. "So why didn't you tell me about this cougar in your letters?"

"Because he's not in Ab Amor often, and I wanted to keep the cabin a secret," Cloud answered.

For fifteen minutes, the otters chatted with one another while Cloud steered the car back into the city traffic.

"No, Ariel's parents gave me my own room when I was staying at their house," Cloud answered one of Rye's questions. "We're almost there."

"Almost there?" Rye questioned. "We're not even close to home."

"There's a new one that was built while you were away," Cloud said. "It's really nice; I had to make reservations weeks in advance. You'll like it."

"Aww," Rye was flattered. He leaned over and kissed Cloud's cheek.

Cloud giggled in appreciation.

Within a few minutes, Cloud pulled into a curved street that pulled in front of a large, fancy building. No name was on the building. Rye looked at Cloud confused but Cloud only smiled in return.