Looking Up

Looking Up They walk with downcast eyes, unfocused Unsure of what the world looks like Truly, but the weight has pressed On hunched shoulders and slouched backs. There are memories in their eyes Memories of hurts and pits Of black; cast...



Charlotte felt numb. Her tears had stopped weeks ago. How long had it been since Arc left? A month? Two? She'd lost sense of time. She hardly ate, despite the constant worried chirping from Osiris, and her usual patrons were getting worried. She...

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Chapter 6

Pain brought the hybrid back to consciousness. It felt like needles piercing every fiber of her being. Nyx had never had to use her ability so frivolously in such a short amount of time, and the repercussion was awful. She groaned, opening her eyes...

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Chapter 5

An uproar of war cries drove the army forward. If they could hold the enemy at the beach, keep too many of them from landing, they could stop themselves from getting overwhelmed. That's what Arc hoped, anyway. She was pushed along with the crowd,...

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Chapter 4

Arc and Nyx were both placed as ground troops. Arc wasn't super religious, but she still said a silent prayer to Iridescence above for allowing them to stay together for this. They had been placed closer to the front of the army, but Arc wasn't...

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Chapter 3

They arrived at the castle at the end of the second week. It usually took three weeks of travel to reach the kings castle from Remeld, but the two Bounty Hunters had pushed themselves, only resting once every other day. It was rough going, but they...

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Chapter 2

Charlotte was in her kitchen kneading dough on her counter when a knock came at her door. "Who is it?" She chirped curiously. The familiar sound of flapping wings reverberated into the living room behind her, and the sparrow Osiris twittered a...

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Chapter 1

She wasn't sure what to think when she saw the request hanging on the bounty board. Disbelief? Confusion? Fear? It definitely wasn't there yesterday evening, and new bounties weren't supposed to be posted for another hour. That meant this specific...

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