Forest Dwellers Ch. 1

"Man am I bored..." Whined Maverick, a young fox. "There's got to be something more to do around here." He leaned against a tree and began to wag his silver tail back and forth. Maverick was a fun-loving fox that was a native to this forest....

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Afterlife, Chapter One

"...Lyr... Lyrius... Hey, Lyrius?! Are you listening?" I jerked up in my usual seat on one of the two sofas in the room, ducking my head slightly, ruffling my head-fur in embarrassment, "U-uhh... Y-yeah, sorry, Ushio..." Ushio was our fearless...

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The Wolf Betrayed/A Renewal of Light

The once great wolf stood yet alone. He had ones who cared, ones who loved, even true friends... But none were ever there when he needed. He had been fine, moving, surging on. He thought that he had maybe, already finished. But she had...

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Resurgance of Light

The wolf watched another tear, falling from his muzzle, wondering, just who would ever love him, this once great, now broken, one. He had spent so long alone, even surrounded, so long unhappy, even smiling, so long dead, even...

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Moving On

The pain, The anguish. He pushed it aside, Surprising himself. A single tear dropped, Yet again Unheard as it Splashed into the pool. "A pool of... my tears?" He said aloud, Jumping at the sound. It had been so long Since last he...

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Forest Dwellers Ch. 10

"...What the FUCK!?" The wolf howled out as he exited their van. ...

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The great wolf howled to the empty sky, his confusion his pain plain to hear. "Why? Why must I endure? All the others receive the happiness they wish for..." His head dropped, a tear falling, "I have all I wanted, all I asked...

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Forest Dwellers - Christmas Ch. 1

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake uuuuppppp!!!!" "Ugh...w-what's going on?" The silver vulpine said as he opened his eyes. As his vision was clearing up, he saw the young rabbit standing there over him, but she definitely was not wearing her anything in...

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Porters of the Duat - A Thursday Prompt

"Was there a plague or something? Seems like everyone's dying these days." Lapis rolled his right shoulder, massaging his muscles as the jackal tried to work out an ache. "That last one had two solid gold statues of Horus. Two of them! Both taller...

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Zweihander - Part 1

Gareth the wolf knight named his sword Fang, because the blade bit into him, locked its jaws, and refused to let him go. He leaned upon the Zweihander in the aftermath of battle, helm and arming cap clattering to the ground as the knight surveyed the...

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Wildstar Chronicles - Cubs of Wildstar Elementary Ch. 1

The mall was full of hustle and bustle on a Friday afternoon. So many families gathered around just to enjoy the start of this sunny weekend. The food court, in particular, had drawn a large crowd, due to the early evening traffic. Children...

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The Dojo was rife with activity as the school grounds were prepared for spring. Newer students received the more physically demanding tasks, as was proper, while their seniors provided guidance and the instructors kept a watchful eye to ensure that...

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