024 - Prime pt.07

-VALENTINES DAY 2011- -00:15- [a\_somebodyishere] 00:04: Chloe I'm not pissing about, where did you go? [a\_somebodyishere] 00:05: The 2nd party is already on [a\_somebodyishere] 00:05: Like did the bobby catch you? [a\_somebodyishere] 00:06: I'm...

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023 - Prime pt.06

-VALENTINES DAY 2011- -23:42- -Okay we're off to party number Undos, says Sawyer who absolutely was about to say Uno but tried to save it in time and failed. -Oh I didn't hear anything about a second party? Asks Butters. -I mean there wasn't but...

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022 - Prime pt.05

-VALENTINES DAY 2011- -23:03- Butters went to check their phone, to see it had just gone eleven, about a few hours since she had last heard from Chloe or Venus. Butters briefly considered checking up on them both, but found themselves in a delicate...

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021 - Prime pt.04

-VALENTINES DAY 2011- -20:15- -Gaia wept Butters, Venus Chuckled. We've hardly got here and you're already starting fights! Butters shrugged with a smirk, deciding to take Venus' interpretation of intentionally inviting hostility. Rather then the...

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020 - Prime pt.03

-VALENTINES DAY 2011- -19:53- Butters checked the time on their phone and noticed it was Seven to Eight. They were on ale number 3 of 4, taking their time with this bottle cos they know after number four, they might have to interact with another...

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019 - Prime pt.02

Butters and their companions were finally in the taxi on their way to the party which gave Butters some time to relax. Which they promptly spent imagining all the worse scenrios happening at once and also what if they died? Like taxi just exploded...

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018 - Prime pt.01

-VALENTINES DAY 2010- -19:02- -ESSEX- -6 YEARS PRIOR- Not even 30 minutes ago Butters got the text message from Chloe about tonight's plans: [urfavey\_theyfriend.kiss] 18:19: There's a MONS/HUM co-ed lonely hearts party down...


016 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.08

Now waiting on two of their compatriots Butters decided to conserve some social energy and just wait for one of 'em to return. Butters lightly circles the rim of their latest pint, grinning from ear to ear. Like fuckin' eeeeellllll, what a great night....

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012 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.04

Dying on a molecular level kind of sort of, then being alright again kind of sort of, in a manner of a seconds is a harrowing ordeal to put it mildly. Gor' and Ideas pop outside for a little while for a smoke, Butters tells them they'll just wait here....

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010 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.02

-VALENTINES DAY 2017- -19:38- An hour later and there's definitely no one they know. Butters had taken quite an ego beating throughout the night throughout failed convo starters and introductions. Trying to worm their way into a group conversation...

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009 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.01

-VALENTINES DAY 2017- -18:23- Well, here they are after a quick pit stop to stuff their face with cheese bites, they have descended. They had been to the Evermore a few times before, but they couldn't call it a regular on a night out's roster. It's...


007 - The World pt.06

Well shit, that's proper shit that is. But there was one last hope! Lousid! Hopefully he's in a better mood and ready to salvage this night! With unmatched optimism Butters raps their knuckles on the door "Oh Louuussiidddd" they call out, as the door...

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