Lonely Oak Chapter 18
Ket stood at the door as his girlfriend rushed across the grass to the car, opened up the passenger-back door and jumped in like an FBI agent getting ready to nab a perp. In the lighted cabin he could see her mom was a little peeved, and he felt awful...
Lonely Oak Chapter 6
Ket had been skating for all of three minutes on his own, outside of the beginner's circle. He forgot his teeth once, but he didn't fall; he managed to keep himself balanced and recovered back into skating-stride. In order to do...
Lonely Oak Chapter 76 - The Woods
She held her brother's hand with obvious apprehension. The dense woods that they were heading toward made worms crawl beneath her skin. "I doent knowes if diss is such good idea..." Her brother looked back to her, but did not break his pace. "It'll be...
Lonely Oak Chapter 4
At the top of the stairs, Emeral took off her shoes and set them at the penultimate step. She shuffled across the carpet and laid claim to the rightmost cushion of the gray couch. Ket was already...
Lonely Oak Chapter 5
"Man this place got expensive," Kval muttered, fishing another twenty out of his wallet. The doe at the counter took it objectively, and worked the register for only a second, "four thirty-four is your...
Lonely Oak Chapter 3
Ket slammed his fist against the bathtub knob to shut the water off. He stood on his tip-toes to place the shower-head back in its holster. He reached down to the drain, pulling up the knot of hair, and the water appeared to...
Lonely Oak Chapter 2
Miss Rachaun sighed as she drummed on the kitchen table. Make that the _clean_ kitchen table. She smiled. Cleaning was more liberating than she could have ever imagined. Or perhaps it was that she knew, in a couple of weeks, she...
Lonely Oak Chapter 74
Lyza stirred. For a second, she was on a squeaky cot nudged against the side of a Baker tent surrounded by mosquito netting. Then she was teleported back to the present, where she sat up and rested her palm on the soft mattress of her gigantic bed. ...
Lonely Oak Chapter 75 - Understand The Concept Of Love (Part 1)
Emeral started to stir as the clusters of buildings became more apparent. She had not been sleeping, not this time at least. She heard the page of Ket's book flip, one of the many hundreds in the novel that he had his eyes buried in. She glanced at him...
Raspberry Line Chapter 24
Perceptions were all but lost. Time. Space. Gravity. Corporeality. Everything was relatively irrelevant. All that mattered was not even matter itself. Though it was nice that they could see each others eyes, that they...
Lonely Oak Chapter 34 - Vitamin C
_Bing!_ "Vitimin C!" Lyza exclaimed triumphantly, her hand still poised over the little bell sitting on the stool. "Very good," Mrs. Rinder said with a smile, "Six points for Team A." Lyza's team cheered; they were in the lead! Next up was Shy...
Raspberry Line Chapter 1 - Silver & Gold
"All right class, now just like before: we take this number and ask ourselves 'how many times does four go into nine?'--and of course since two times four is eight, then four goes into nine... Ket, pick your head up and pay attention." The tiger's...