Carltober Friends Best Friends

B is for band, the one thing every teen wants to try but we never got the time and I owe to dysfunction E is for energy, the anxiety in my mind calmed by marijuana clouds, oh now I can get by. S is for sun, the daystar demon making me and the...

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Carltober: Sadness

Chase might have been the "otters love water" kind of guy, but Carl also connected the dots of sadness to the ever-giving liquid. He thought of clouds, of azure depths, even though both things were rare in the desert. Lake Emma could be the...


Carltober: Carl x Jeremy

Carl woke up first. Jeremy's musk welcomed his nostrils. It started off arousing him at first, but it now was a symbol of comfort. Guess now he new how all his friends dating otters felt like. How did it come to this? How did a bully, turned...

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Carltober: Sans + Superwolf

Flynn sighed. "What the hell is going on now?" he said, tired mroe than anything. Carl was like Hela from Norse mythology, except on one side he was a skeleton with a blue eye and hoodie and on the other a wolf in a superhero costume. ...

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Sun above gender

To the Greeks male, To the Aboriginals female, In practise sexless, But almost never genderless in human culture. Let the rising sun Rise above gender, Be the spiritual power that Holds over the left and the...

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My Last Decision

Will I kill the gods? Or will I tread on? Will I be free Will I be myself In a snowstorm? Or will the breath go on Will I be me Or I will I have been me? Yes or No?

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Sun Goddess of Lemuria

The Sun Goddess (Boa in Werer, Ra in Atratra, Aditeyia in Chola Tamil, among others) is a rather important figure in the indigenous religions of Lemuria. While her worship prior to Austronesian arrival is unclear, sun symbols are engraved in building...

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The Drama of the Moon

The Drama of the Moon (Lugu Kava in Werer, Andai Bathala Kisotosy in Atratra) is one of the world's oldest texts, found in ornamental script in building bases as early as 7,000 BCE, during the mid Sprout Era. Though some later editions have occured,...

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Lemurian religions

Over +70,000 years of human occupation, Lemuria boasts a variety of indigenous religions. During both Indian and European colonial rule the indigenous faiths were persecuted, but they still endure strongly and extensive syncretism between them and...

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Happy Birthday Sam!

William snuck into the living room. Sam was busy playing Persona 4. Yet his tail twitched; he knew he was there. William sat down in the couch and kissed his husband in the cheek. "What have me away?" "Cigarettes." "Damn, just that?" He kissed...

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Pro-Choice Song

What a girl does with her xana Is none 'o busieness, none 'o business, yeah What a girl does with her xana Is none 'o business, none 'o business, yeah Live things can come in, Live things can come out But nobody should be a battery, To reduce...


Chocolates and Beer Nuts

"For you, my love." They had just arrived at shool, TJ from his mother's car and Sydney from the bus. Onlookers snickered, some even used some colorful slurs, but the otter didn't care. He could be tough, but love made him confident. "Aw,...

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