True Poisen
Beast of burning rage. why are you so mad? What is the source of that eternal blaze? That causes your burning rage. What hatred blinds you? Destroying you from the in side. Is revenge your only thought? Can't you let go...
Blind Envy
Crimson star that serches the blacken skies. Alone in the darkness. Looking for the light. Why do you look so hard? Can't you see that we're your true friends? For your not afraid to show your heart. And that is why your...
The Storm
Four Dragons Dance In The Eternal Plains Twisting And Turning Above Our World. Beautiful Like The Rose, But Dangerous, As The Sword. Each Roars Sending A Wave Through The Air And With Each Breath That Hones The Trees A...
World split in two. I call apon you. Tell us the story of mans blood and gory World split in two. I call apon you. Speek to us. For we have become dus. World split in two. We becon you. Call apon us. so we may restore your trust World that...
Star that shines in the night. Sell us your story and all your glory. Star that shines in the night. Speak to us or we shall fus. Star that shines in the pool. Call apon me. So i can traverse golden sea. Star that shines in my...
Leaves scatterd in the winds. Seperated by mans sins. Wavering ever further from their home. They happly roam. Seeing all there is to see. In this stone sea. As you pass a silver spoon. You will rise to the moon. Befor falling...
Feind of Time Unvale your testomony Demon of Life Unleash your strife Angle of Death Unseal your sheath Time meets Life, Life meets Death, Death meats Time, As we flow through The Eternal Stream We carry the burden **THAT IS LIFE** ...
World shrouded in light Cursed by human blight Seeker of eternal night Harponer of light Bringer of human spite Sealer of eternal night World unvailed by darkness Saved from cursed light Keeper of eternal night Savor of...
Currupted Light
Shadows hidden in the Light. Created by currupted sight. Banished from the Night. With Eyes that are bright as day, and Heart black as coal. You shall curse the soul. Spreading your festering tendrals. As you turn people in to...