True Poisen

Story by Akanu on SoFurry

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Beast of

burning rage.

why are

you so

mad? What

is the

source of

that eternal

blaze? That

causes your

burning rage.

What hatred

blinds you?

Destroying you

from the

in side.

Is revenge

your only

thought? Can't

you let

go of

the pain

and enter

the madnnes

that is

life? Or

fo you,

seek destruction?

For on

this path

destruction will

come to

those you

love and

to yourself.

For by

never giving

into the

hearts pain

the cursed

beast shall be unleashed

Blind Envy

Crimson star that serches the blacken skies. Alone in the darkness. Looking for the light. Why do you look so hard? Can't you see that we're your true friends? For your not afraid to show your heart. And that is why your...

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The Storm

Four Dragons Dance In The Eternal Plains Twisting And Turning Above Our World. Beautiful Like The Rose, But Dangerous, As The Sword. Each Roars Sending A Wave Through The Air And With Each Breath That Hones The Trees A...

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World split in two. I call apon you. Tell us the story of mans blood and gory World split in two. I call apon you. Speek to us. For we have become dus. World split in two. We becon you. Call apon us. so we may restore your trust World that...