Chapter 4

"How'd you sleep, Warwing?" a female voice asked as I sat up, wiping my eyes with my paws. The sunlight shined through the open windows of a hallway as I looked up, seeing a female jackal standing over me. The female wore the UCP camouflage, which was...

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Chapter 3

Who would've expected America to be vulnerable to invasion? The Axis timed their invasion perfectly, waiting for the US to send most of their troops to the Korean Peninsula, where the North Koreans started to advance toward Seoul. By sending our troop...

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Chapter 2

The sun began to rise as we crossed a bridge, heading into downtown Newnan from the direction of Newnan High School. It was a Saturday, the seventh of April. Usually, downtown would be bustling with anthros, all walking around to the nearby shops or...

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Chapter 1

Anti-Aircraft fire engulfed the night sky as I descended from a Boeing C-17, my parachute opening to slow my descent. I struggled with steering my parachute due to the strong winds of tonight, the wind blowing me off course from the designated drop...

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