Episode 3A: Supernova

======================= Supernova Episode 3A, Special 05 IDP 2017-2019, 2020 Edited by Saurex Conoway ====================== In a remote binary star system, outside both Confederation and Urthean space, the Raptor sat a safe distance...

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Episode 3: The Nebulous Imperitive

Elsewhere "Xoxiandelan," a voice rumbled from the silhouette on the Executor's view screen. "Emperor," Xox replied, saluting, "what is it you wish of me, Liege?" "First," the deep voice rumbled, "I want to express my deep disappointment in...

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Episode 2A: No Sleep

Starbase 186 Habitat Area "Richard! It's been a long time since I've had so much fun," Breena Ki, a dark-colored echidna with red head-fur, said. She was wearing a colorful sundress as she walked arm in arm with Dr. Okan. He was dressed casually...

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Episode 2: One Lost Shadow

====================== Title: One Lost Shadow. Episode 02 IDP 2000,08,09,20 Edited by: Saurex Conoway ====================== Commander's Log: 34801.16 The Raptor is enroute to the planet Algion Prime, a place I...

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Episode 1B: Shakedown

After a time that seemed a bit too long for his tastes, the Raptor was out among the stars again. The crew had been running drills, honing their skills and getting more familiar with the ship. Harry new eventually they would be pressed into full...

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Episode 1A: Introductions

====================== Title: Introductions Episode 1A, Special 01 IDP 2009, 2020 Edited by: Saurex Conoway ====================== Some time had passed since the attempted Urthean...

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Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor

------------------------------------------------------- Title: Flight of the Raptor Episode: 01 IDP 1999,2009,2014-15,2018-2019,2020 By Vakash Darkbane Edited by: Saurex...

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Episode 7: Picture

======================== Title: Picture Episode 7 IDP 2009,2021 By Vakash Darkbane Edited by Suarex Conoway ======================== Two weeks later It had been a lot of work, but, finally, the Raptor was...

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Episode 6: Puzzle

======================= Tit: 06 Puzzle IDP 2009,2010,2013, 2021 By Vakash Darkbane Edited by Saurex Conoway ======================= Fara ran through the corridors of the Raptor. She had no idea where she was going or what was going on;...

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Episode 5: Pieces

Something terrible can haunt a person even when they are not aware of it. Fara Phoenix was haunted. She still remembered that day...the deafening noise...the slight drop of atmospheric pressure. She dug her claws into the master systems display and...

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Episode 4: Surprises

Starbase 186 Fara's Quarters Fara sat alone in her quarters staring at the large wheeled poster board that now blocked her view of her creation. On it were results of diagnostics, blue prints, detailed reports, each meticulously laid out with...

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