Repaying a Debt Chapter 3

Suri woke him in the middle of the night saying "No....don't!...Please!.........No....Not THERE!" Rust immediately got up and picked her up and held her close whispering in her ear. "It's okay your safe." Until she calmed down and went back to sleep....


Nightmare In The Lunar Republic Chapter 1

**Nightmare** **In the Lunar Republic** **By Admiral Q** Nightmare Moon strutted through the old ruins. This was a better place to enact her plans than the compound which her enemies knew of thanks to the misguided Children of the Night that...


Alter Destiny Chapter 2

Night Hammer paused to take a break from plowing. She looked around the night scape and noting the emptiness. It's been a few days since the bulk of the Children decided to follow Luna believing her to be the Princess of the Night. But Night Hammer...


Alter Destiny Chapter 1

Altered Destiny By Admiral Q As Celestia's sun shown through the window it was time for Star Wanderer to begin her day. She was a unicorn with red fur and a gold mane with a red zigzagging stripe going through it and her tail with a gold six...


Night's Children Chapter 3 Darkmoon

Luna awoke to the sound and cheerful fillies. She looked over and saw them at the table eating their breakfast. Nightshadow saw her and smiled. "Good evening Luna, hungry?" "Yes I am." She got up and didn't feel any aches. A good sign." She walked...

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 7

Selene saw her breath as she cantered around Canterlot. The irony of that phrased lost to her as she searched for little Nyx. "Where could you go off to my little odd counterpart?" She thought aloud as she scanned the city. Even worse was the fact her...


Born For Loyalty Chapter 10

Dash was on her way back to her parents home in Cloudsdale. She was going to spend the weekend with her sister and was going to pick her up. She needed the perk up her sister would bring after the fiasco with the dragon. Yeah she is a very fit mare and...


War Hound Chapter 4

A couple months past and a real friendship form between Tyria and Samantha as the transformed human tries to rebuild her life dealing with Rebirth's presence. Rebirth itself has been trying to regain control but so far no success and reduces to a...

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Little Star Chapter 5

With a purple flash, Twilight found herself in the only place she can think of to be away from everypony: the Castle of the Two Sisters. She looked down at the floor for a minute before raising a hoof and stomping it. IT WAS A LIE! **STOMP**. THE...

Little Star Chapter 4

_1000 years ago_ Luna was playing with her daughter in the castle garden, bouncing a ball between herself and Twilight. It was one of the few times she could just spend time with her beloved daughter. No duties or meetings, just innocent fun that she...

Little Star Chapter 3

_1005 years ago_ It was with relief that Luna landed back on the balcony of her home. The negotiations between Equestria and the Kingdom of Griffonstone went on much longer than planned. She was eager to return to her family, especially her Little...

Little Star Chapter 2

Celestia looked after Twilight, while Spike prepared snacks. All of Twilight's new friends and fellow Element Bearers had arrived. They all gave her bows and greeted her. She nodded and smiled at them until she heard a groan. Everypony looked over to...