File #9
Months of Planning (A1, B11, C11)
"he would have been too far from new atlantis for the city-wide computer to deprogram the chip. maybe it was destroyed in another way?
Drive, Prologue.
Okay bud, let me just get my notepad and pen and i will take down the details...okay, chris fire away...the client is a company called atlantis bank, address 205 london plaza...passengers name is jason locke...oh, it's a 24/7 live-in post?...
Two Worlds: Prologue
It is unknown what forces he actually did manage to awaken but the effect was spectacular, the island of atlantis was completely destroyed along with all of those who lived on it.
Seekers Tale Part 7
Guardians of atlantis always loved the water, after all it is our primary source of power, and the waters of atlantis were said to be the most pure in the world with their own special qualities.
Concept Ideas for a story
She was born in the lost city of atlantis. themes no-yiff, sci-fi, fantasy, fat, femboy
Seekers Tale Part 30
But at the same time your eyes were filled with so much wonder at seeing the four most powerful beings in atlantis at the time." i look at him with curiosity commenting, "i don't remember that."
From the maze to now
Our wise gods were reimagined as cruel despots, and our nation became remembered as ever-prideful atlantis. what they didn't take they tainted, and we became the anthesis of the so called enlightened, pious western world.
Furtasia: The Canari
The Canari The canari are a nomadic people who travel throughout the kingdoms and nations of western Furtasia in caravans of horse-drawn covered wagons. They make their way as traders, herdspeople, and seasonal laborers. They are often maligned and...
Furtasian Species Guide
#2 of furtasia - world building this is a list of the types of anthros and other beings that inhabit my fantasy world of furtasia, and may find their way into my blood of atlantis series.
Chapter 12 - The Hirophant
"right... well... these humans became more advanced then any other race in the galaxy, they sent their people out all over the universe to search for intelligent life... well a couple ended up on earth where they made a country called atlantis..."
Invasion Part 3
The gods were angered by the war, and destroyed the portal, sinking atlantis. they then erased all the human's memories of us. there were, however, written records of the war, all of them pointing towards a human defeat."