Power Fur Rangers- Episode 12

His body seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if he had more muscle mass than he actually had. he had a silver vest that had gold dragons on it.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 21

Her body seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if she had more muscle mass than she actually had. the pink power fur ranger was instantly transported just outside the moon lair the evil army used.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 17

His body seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if he had more muscle mass than he actually had. he had a silver vest that had gold dragons on it.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 15

His body seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if he had more muscle mass than he actually had. he had a silver vest that had gold dragons on it.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 22

His body seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if he had more muscle mass than he actually had. he had a silver vest that had gold dragons on it.

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Third Creepypasta Attempt: Training Dummies

My first reaction was horror at the thought of my students having to perform their nursing labs with such things present but i quickly realized that if i didn't want to attach them to the dummies i could use the ambiguously gendered parts instead.


The Hologram

With a quiet whooshing sound, a transparent androgynous feline appeared, from what mangolf could tell, a siamese breed. no clothes, but also nothing clothes would hide. agency loved to keep their agents focused.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 08

Their bodies seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if they made more muscle mass than they actually had.

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3:26 The Times Between

Instantly, gender, age, species, all the things that separated society, all the things that everyone prides themselves on, meant nothing.

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Fay Silvaris.

The hot spray of spring water snapped him out of his daze, streaming down his slender, androgynous form. despite being little under five foot his body gave off a sense of strength and this was only mirrored by his scarred flesh.

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[The Aspect of Death]

There are many aspects of Death that exist in some form around the world... While many of the world's beliefs show the aspect of Death as a robed figure wielding a scythe meant to harvest the souls of the soon to be departed, there are other legends...

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The Leopard and the Husky

The person he had bumped turned out to be a very androgynous person indeed, a husky that stood just a little bit taller than he. one ear drooped comically forward, while the other remained perky and alert.

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