the CAS blazer (details of it not a story)

Hull composition: it is made of a crystal impact armor that absorbs and disperses non solid based weapons.

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A short battle of magic

The panther was a skillful wizard, though, and his protective globe of magic absorbed the missiles that would otherwise have probably killed him or knocked him unconscious, had they hit home.

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new guardians part one

Demetrius heartened by the fact that dante was not able to absorb this attack pours on the power increasing the winds so he could be rid of this human.


Perennial Creeper Classifications

Another use is that the power is absorbed through these roots to stimulate the growth of the infection. the lifecycle of this infection form depends on the power source of the infected machine.

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 17

I suspected he absorbed earth's life to power up his earth disintegration power and turn anything unshielded to dust. something...something uncommon for a magic."

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Prolouge to Sexy Justice

The affect was supposed to give the user the ability to absorb sunlight to replenish his cells and keep him going for longer than expected in extreme conditions. but the dosage was addictave, and when he was freed, he took 20 shots at the same time.

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Sacred Families

It is written in the first text, 'let they be large, to absorb the full fury of the elements, and store it deep within their body, like a sacred vessel, to be absorbed and digested and fuel this machine.'


Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 21 - Dance with the Devil

Touching it he absorbed all the energy that comprised the chain. miles and miles of metal turned to black smoke and absorbed into andreas. katashi hands shook as he stared at andreas. he seemed to take on a new persona.

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Personal Growth

This also felt strange, for she knew that when absorbing magic tirek would grow equally altogether. maybe she wasn't absorbing magic? or maybe magic from creatures and magic from things were different? "creatures... and things? oh no!", she thought.

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Chapter 19 - Honour

Location: yggdrasil â€" central chamber eclypse was surprised that they had not encountered any resistance at all as they moved through the absorbed part of yggdrasil.

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Observation of The Fantastic Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#2, 12/1/23]

All of them prayed to the quickly receding black hole, giving it energy to absorb that would later be used by the last two, most important creators.

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